Monday, April 19, 2010

Raw 4-19

With all the Raw stars were stuck in Europe, Smackdown gets showcased on Raw. Triple H was the only one who didn't go on the tour. The story lines are not going to be forwarded and that really sucks when you are talking about a pay per view in six days. I wonder if Smackdown will have a bunch of Raw stars or will they be stuck for another few days. Incredibly bad luck for the WWE. On the other hand, Smackdown was a great show last Friday night so maybe this will benefit Raw. The other cool thing is I get to talk about many stars I never get to write about on most Raw blogs. I thought I was going to be lenient with all the problems the WWE had over the weekend. I couldn't let them off the hook after this poor show.

The WWE was smart starting off with Triple H. Since all the other Raw wrestlers weren't there, Triple H should get the spotlight and start the show. The first segment proved Triple H is the true spokesmen for the WWE. The Showstoppers hosts may not like Punk, I love him. The Straightedge Society is starting to pick up major steam on Smackdown. Punk is a solid in ring performer and his promos have been fantastic. The future of the company is Orton and the young guys who follow. I believe Punk is one of the future stars. He is finding is own craft. I tell you what, I would love to see Punk versus Orton at Wrestlemania 27 for the WWE title. The segment went to long and could have been shorten by about five minutes. However it set up a solid tag match for later.

Matt Hardy is one of the most under rated wrestlers on the entire WWE roster. He has never been used correctly. He is used to elevate new talent. I have seen several matches with these two and I didn't like how it ended. Matt has been in the "head injury" story before. I do like Drew and think he has a big future. Another opportunity to use Matt as a stepping stool which is the role the WWE has labeled Hardy.

The Cena promo after was very weak. He has the same shtick all the damn time. Why do people keep cheering for him? I bet he wrote that in two minutes. Simply crapola from Cena.

I liked Kozlov on ECW and was being used correctly. I also thought using King was a great idea. I don't watch a lot of Saturday Night Live but I have seen several MacGruber and thought they were hilarious. Again the segment went long and I hate when the celebrity gets in the ring. I would have liked to see Truth have the match with Kozlov. The WWE has had to much filler so far on the show. I know the Raw stars are overseas and can't be there. They could still provide us with some good in ring entertainment.

The Orton promo was just as weak as the Cena one. If they taped them, why not make them a little longer? Always nice to see the Deadman on Raw. He makes it feel special. I was hoping for a strong contest so Swagger wouldn't look weak. Smackdown has done a good job keeping Swagger look strong after winning the title. His win over Jericho and Edge last week on Smackdown proved it. The match didn't bury Swagger and that was my biggest fear when Taker came out. Swagger didn't win and that's ok because it was The Undertaker. Swagger needed to show he can hang with the best of them and he did that in the match.

The main event was a lot of fun to watch. I have always enjoyed Rey Mysterio and what he does in the ring. Raw wasn't used to hype up many of the feuds except the Rey Punk and Edge Jericho. I knew the WWE couldn't do much since all the Raw stars were gone. I understand that but they could have done more with their interviews. I liked how they used Sheamus's interview to beat some dude in the back. The WWE hasn't had a monster heel in quite sometime. Sheamus is getting close to that status. The WWE was smart having Triple H win and look strong. Punk looked weak which means he needs to bounce back on Smackdown.

I will admit I was bored with Raw. Other than the main event and Taker's return, the show sucked. Raw had way to much MacGruber. I think if the regular Raw stars were there and the writing wasn't changed in the last minute, I wouldn't have had to sit through all the lame crap. I can't recall another host being shown as much as MacGruber. I'm sure it had something to do with some of the WWE stars being in the movie. Tonight, I was completely letdown by all of the backstage crap. Thankfully, it was only one week. I will be saved by the Draft next week with no celebrity host. I will be back Friday morning with a Extreme Rules pick blog.

J Call

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About Me

Small town guy from Iowa. I went to school in Dallas and graduated. I work for 105.3 KNOD radio station in Harlan Iowa as the news director. I love sports and wrestling. You can catch my thoughts on everything sports and wrestling on