Monday, February 28, 2011

Raw 2-28

I guess some aren't to pleased that Triple H and Taker are wrestling once again at Mania. Yes it's forced. Yes it makes zero sense and yes it leaves Sheamus and Barrett to do nothing. I'm still pumped and think it will be the best match on the card. The rest of the week was pretty boring. I can't believe Christian never showed up on Friday night. The one night appearance wasn't enough. We need Captain Charisma. I give props to another BBSD blogger, Chris for his brilliant write up on wrestling. I agree a 100 percent when he says less talking, more wrestling. Even though I am a hardcore wrestling fan, I still want the classic art of wrestling inside the squared circle as opposed to many promos and little wrestling. As the road to Wrestlemania continues, so do the back and forth of The People's Champion and John Cena. What did Raw give us? One great highlight with The Rock and not much else. I was severely disappointed with this edition of Raw.

We were off to a good start with The Game. I don't know what it is about Triple H but I have always been a big fan. I respected the man when he was ruling DX or running Evolution. I didn't like Lawler saying 'the streak is in more jeopardy then ever.' Wrong again King. The last two years is the only real time I ever thought Taker might lose. Shawn Michaels was the only real man that everyone really pondered could he take down The Deadman? The answer was no. The streak will never die. The speech seemed more of a send off then a welcome back. Trips in a subtle way, buried the rest of the locker room. By saying there was no challenges left, the rest of the guys feel like chopped liver. I was about to make fun of how we have to all forget about Sheamus taking out Triple H. The Irish Ghost put a smile on my face. I wanted a little better fight and not squash the two time champion. I didn't get my wish. Poor Sheamus I'm starting to feel bad for him. Trips looks strong but buries one of my favorites. I'm torn. Let's move on.

The night got worse for Sheamus. I on the other hand was freaking pumped for Bourne. He's back in time for Money in the Bank. He won't win and that's fine. I'm happy one of the best in ring performers on Raw. Bourne is a stud wrestler and sells perfectly. The moment was lost when John er Michael Cole (Inside Joke for my buddy Chris) walked to the ring. We all want to see Lawler pop Cole in the mouth. It really is a testament to Cole's character and how it evolved into a full fledged heel. The way Vicki receives heat is the same as Cole. Lawler deserves a better match at Mania than Cole. But, put it in another way, Lawler may never hear a bigger pop then when he beats the crap of Cole. I like the addition of Swagger. The only other thing Swagger was going to do was be a part of Money in the Bank. I smell Riley is the ref.

Even if I didn't care for the start of the segment, I liked the stipulation. Hey McGillicuty didn't get squashed. Another Monday night miracle. He hung around with Orton. I believe McGillicuty may have a terrible name, he's got a future. Orton and Punk needs to be one on one. I guess we can forget about Nexus vs. Corre. Orton has punted two of the four members already. We won't be seeing them anytime soon. How strong does Orton look? Cena didn't do a damn thing to Nexus. The last three weeks, Orton took out two members.

Sin Cara is a huge name for the WWE. He is going to be a fun competitor to watch. The masked one should be debuted as a good guy. I don't want to see the stupid he's Rey Mysterio's partner and then feud with him. I say keep them away from each other for a long time. In fact, I would keep them apart for a year. Del Rio is the bad guy. Sin Cara could be on Raw and next year he faces Rey Mysterio at Mania. I think if it's hyped up correctly (read not mask vs mask), the WWE could book a winner and one the entire country of Mexico would die to see and buy.

Cena has to rap. The rest of it sucks. Riley was horrible. I have to admit, Miz was the only awesome part of the entire segment. I'm sure it is just that I don't like either man. Cena bores me and I don't take Miz seriously. There stipulation was nice since I heard it about 10 minutes ago during the Raw GM's e-mail.

The consecutive weeks continue as Gail Kim got in a match for the third week in a row. Meanwhile, the Bellas did another switch-a-roo. Now I have to hear Cole and Mathews talk about how they have no idea which twin will face Eve. I got question for them, Who cares?

Although the Rock wasn't there at the arena, he still electrified the only way he can. The Rock had more passion then I ever remember. Wow he was perfect. I have a hard time describing or finding the right words to use to describe The Rock. I was bored with Raw before The Rock. It had way to many promos, no in ring action and seemed mailed in. Then, The Rock hit the television screen and I awoke. That's what The Rock can do. Simply put, The Rock is special.

Josh Mathews said it all, "What's the point of this?" Exactly. Miz assaults Bryan and nobody has a clue why. Thanks WWE for wasting every ones time. Main event didn't give me much either.

Raw sucked. It was awful. The entire show felt rushed and mailed in. The writers put zero thought into much of anything. This is what I will remember of this episode, The Rock stole the show and wasn't even in the arena.

You can keep up with more wrestling opinions and news from the boys on ShowStoppers right here on BBSD. My guess is Larry is going to be furious having a Raw without J-Mo. Be sure to read my buddy Chris's new blog on what wrestling needs. He couldn't have been happy with tonight's show. If you want, you can always email me at I'm also working on something new for Raw. I hope to let you in on the details next week and begin right before Mania. Yabba dabba Bitch.

J Call

Monday, February 21, 2011

Raw 2-21

The night has finally arrived. The speculation is over. The WWE had to love the hype. Elimination Chamber didn't change a whole lot. Cena and Miz are main eventing the Raw side of Mania. The Smackdown side could see a triple threat match with Captain Charisma's return. I'm a big peep, by the way. Raw brought more to the table. Last week, Rock made the headlines. This week, The Undertaker and Triple H are the real story.

Cena was the right way to start the show. The Rock embarassed him. He had to address the fans. I will say Cena eating the bowl of Fruitie Pebbles was funny. On this night, Cena needed to be serious. His focus at the beginning was on Rock. The Thuganomics and rap was fantastic. This mic stuff is exactly what Cena had to do. If Cena rapped more, I wouldn't hate him so much. Now, I hope we can keep this going and the Rock can rebutal.

Morrison showed off that unique skill only he possess at the EC. John is really intriguing to follow the next 5 weeks. I know I sound like a broken record. I don't see any feud or story except the Money in the Bank, which I hate. Morrison's been on a big high for months. It seems cheap to throw him into the MITB. I made reference in the Locker Room that Morrison and Ziggler should wrestle for the #1 contendership for their show's title. Dolph has since been fired so that's likely out. On the other hand, Punk is facing Orton. I couldn't be happier to see that match. They've kept the story interesting since the Rumble. Morrison and Punk didn't provide much entertainment inside the squared circle. What they did provide is showing Morrison's heart and guts. Also, Punk helped promote the future match at Mania. Thank you live crowd. Randall got the chants he deserves.

I would've picked Del Rio over Kofi in my pick blog had I known it was a non-title bout. Kofi's sneak attack was a surprise. I just wish he had been successful. Kofi's revenge will have to wait for another time. Meanwhile, Friday Night will belong to C-squared and Del Rio. Smackdown will bring a match or two between them before the mega event.

Okay, the Miz is still the champ. I knew Lawler wasn't going to win. The verbal assaults continue as Miz got his revenge...sort of. I did enjoy his mocking of The Rock. I hated the announcement of the tag titles being defended. The tag belts should be defended against Santino and Kozlov. You know, the guys the fans were behind in the last several weeks. The ones that should get a rematch clause. Stupid booking.

Gail Kim must have blown one of the writers. I mean two weeks in a row she got to wrestle is some type of record for her. Bellas are limited in wrestling ability. Hey, I'm trying to be nice. They must be getting a slight push picking up a win. I loved hearing Stratus is helping with Tough Enough. Rumors have her potentially wrestling at Mania. Good idea if the belt is no where near her. The perfect scenario is Kong debuts and beats up Beth and Natalya and teams with LayCool. A 6 Diva tag pitting Beth, Natalya and the greatest women's wrestler ever, Trish Stratus against LayCool and Kong.

The videos, the hype and the entrance were all worth it. I know some maybe disappointed it was only Taker. To them, I say shut up. Wrestlemania wouldn't be the event it is had Taker missed the show. It's been ten years since the Game and Taker faced each other at Wrestlemania XVII. They had an epic encounter. I wanted the rematch and I want to see them duke it out again. The E chouldn't get Brock or Sting. I don't care because the Game is more important. I've waited months to hear 'Time to Play the Game'. I got what I wanted on 2-21-11. There was no reason for words. The hand signals gave everything we needed. A lot of times the hype is better than the actual event. This won't be one of those times. They are two of the most respected individuals in wrestling history. Trips will try and out do his idol. Taker will try to prove he's still got it. Can they give a better match than the previous two years with Michaels? No, probably not. Will they provide the best match as far as story? Yes indeed. By miles and miles.

The biggest loser in all of this is King Sheamus. We all felt Triple H would return to dethrone the Irish Ghost. Now what? He, much like Morrison, might be thrown into MITB. Again, I hate it. Sheamus has been pushed hard over the course of the last year and a half. Find an opponent and make something meaningful. The two time WWE champ deserves better. The mini feud with Henry isn't done. Henry getting a win sets up one more match.

How can you not smile seeing Hacksaw? He never won a singles title and was never a main event wrestler. He still deserves a spot in the Hall. He's a special character and had a place in all of the old school wrestling fans hearts. Hoooooo! USA! USA!

I must say The King still has it. The crowd was on the edge of their seat. You have to give credit to Cole as well. The cheap heat mentioning Lawler's mom was an added personal element. The match will be bowling shoe ugly. I'm talking Bret vs. Vince Mania XXVI ugly. The payoff will be the same as their match. It will send off Cole's heel character and give Lawler the match he deserved for 20 years.
So let me try to understand the ending. You know what, it's to stupid to explain. I'll just get pissed. I don't want to ruin the return of Taker and Triple H by getting mad at the ending.
Be sure to check out BBSD for all the wrestling opinions as well as some great bloggers on the sports world. ShowStoppers will electrify you in the only way they can. If you don't like my opinion, then argue with me in the Locker Room or email me at I look forward to having debates with intelligent wrestling fans.

J Call

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Elimination Picks and The Return of the Great One

I was planning on a very simple Elimination Chamber blog. I figured I would give you a few laughs, miss several picks and wait for 2-21-11. I can't do that now. I'm forced to go off because some people piss me off. This is going to be about the Great One's return on Raw. I'm so sick of the negativity I get when I search around the Internet. I realize I am not a professional writer. I know I don't have real insight to the world of professional wrestling. I am a man with a blog on a sports website, allowed to speak freely when I damn well please. This is one of those times.

The Rock returning on Raw was the best thing to happen in the WWE in a very long time. I figured the IWC (Internet Wrestling Community, follow me) would be chanting the Rock's name and going crazy. I couldn't imagine anyone not liking it. I know you can't please everyone but this was the F'N ROCK! No, no some need to see the bad things that happened once "If Ya Smell..." hit the sound system. I heard 'he out shined the youth' or 'the rest of Raw was meaningless' and the list goes on and on. Why can't we simply enjoy a moment without beating to death the negatives?

Did the Rock outshine everyone? You damn right he did. He walked out and Cena crapped his pants when he heard the pop. That's a wrestling pop people! The crowd went berserk as they should. His return was the biggest shock and real surprise in years. His promo was flawless. Timing impeccable. Everything done to the core of ripping Cole, Cena and Miz were beautifully crafted. Why ruin it by saying he just made fun of the top guys? He's the F'N Rock. That's his character. He made fun of everyone back in his prime. The Rock is easily in the top 5 of mic skills of all time and could be number 1 depending on who you speak to.

Did the Rock give you amnesia? If you forget everything that happened on Raw besides the Rock, then the answer is yes. The Rock gave you amnesia. The fact is the episode wasn't the greatest but there were positives. Miz and Bryan had a great 2 segment match and Miz boosted the Lawler match for EC by himself. Punk and Cena started the night off in the right direction and Orton and Sheamus did their part to build up the Raw Elimination Chamber match. Of course the highlight of the night was Rocky. It's been 7 damn years! The next time appreciate the moment. Take it all in. Breath near the speakers of your television and smell the aroma. If you don't want to do that, then take a cue from the People's Champ and KNOW YOUR ROLE AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH!

Intercontinental Championship
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio

Can Alberto win the IC belt and face the World Champ at Mania for both titles? It's only been done one other time and it was the Warrior vs. Hogan Mania VI. I can't see the reasoning unless you want to build Alberto up even more. I don't think you need to do that. The real reason to have him face Kofi is for exposure. Alberto's the Royal Rumble winner and needed to be on the card. Somehow I see Kofi keeping the belt.

WWE Championship
The Miz (c) vs. Jerry the King Lawler

I gave away my pick on ShowStoppers but someone forgot to put it in the segment. I chose Lawler on SS and am sticking to it. I know I'm going to be wrong. Miz is going to win. However, for the sake of fun and pure enjoyment, I want King to win. I think it would be shocking and surprising. The following night, 2-21-11, the Miz gets a rematch, wins the title back with help from Riley and Cole and bingo! You have a payoff at Wrestlemania with Lawler taking on Riley and Cole. It's not going to happen and I know I'm going to be wrong. I don't care. Lawler is my pick.

World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match
Edge (c) vs Kane vs Rey vs Barrett vs Drew vs ?

I won't spoil anything from Smackdown but Ziggler will not be in this match. The setup has been Edge and Del Rio for weeks. I can't see the WWE changing it. The only way this changes is if the mystery man is say Sting, Jericho or Triple H. Otherwise, Ziggler probably weasels back in during the pay per view and gets one more shot. You have a heel waiting in the wings so a face makes sense to win this match. WWE don't throw the curveball here. Edge wins.

Raw Elimination Chamber match for the right to face the WWE champion at Mania
Cena vs. Morrison vs Sheamus vs Orton vs Truth vs Punk

This match will likely be the finale to the show. Some speculate the Rock is going to wrestle Cena at Mania so anyone is fair game in this match. You are gravely mistaken. Rock said he would see Cena and Miz at Wrestlemania. I don't think he meant a Triple Threat Match either. What did he mean? More than likely, Rock is the special guest ref in their main event match or something to that affect. The match should come down to Orton and Cena. WWE could test the waters of a potential feud between the two down the line depending on the response. Personally, I'd rather see Punk vs Orton vs Miz vs Cena for the WWE title at Mania. They have all been feuding in someway. Throw them into a Fatal Four Way and be unique. The 4 way dance hasn't happened since Wrestlemania 2000 or XVI. The Super human Cena will walk out with the victory.

J Call

Monday, February 14, 2011

Raw 2-14

First off, my condolences to Jerry Lawler and his family for the loss of his mother. My heart goes out to them. Now, onto the biggest news to hit the wrestling world in a LONG time. Let the speculation begin as to what the Great One will do at Mania. He's a host but will he wrestle? He talked crap about Cena. Could a one on one match happen? The Rock wasn't even a thought in my mind 3 hours ago. Now, he's all I can think about. I thought 2-21-11 was going to be a night to remember. 2-14 topped it before it happened.

Before I get into Raw, I want to talk about the other wrestling program. Yeah, that's right TNA. Against all Odds was last night and as usual, TNA screwed a few things up. I've been watching TNA for the past 6 months. I've gone through two "they" story lines, several title changes and Kurt Angle retiring twice. Even with the faults, one person has kept me interested and he hails from Green Bay, Wisconsin, Misterrrr Anderson. Anderson is providing entertainment, the kind I felt he could bring to the WWE before being released. I once deemed Anderson as Mr. Potential. He had all the makings of a huge star but the breaks always fell the other way. TNA has blossomed him until Sunday. Anderson should still be the TNA world champion. He deserved a long run. I know the Impact Zone isn't always where the most real wrestling fans are. They get in for free and half of them know what an arm bar is. Anderson was getting the whole crowd involved and screaming a$$hole. Jeff's dealing with legal issues and TNA's world title shouldn't be on him. Anderson is the future. Don't bury him for guys like RVD, Hardy or Jarrett. Showcase the guy who is becoming a huge star.

As shocking as this sounds, I didn't mind Cena opening the show. Although, Cena talked to long. Less talkie, more wrestling. The Cole jokes were fine, everything else was boring. Cole and Mathews (who did a great job on the broadcast) mentioned Nexus being unable to interfere in the Chamber match. I think somehow they make their way into the match. HBK snuck underneath and cost Taker in the Chamber so it can be done. Nexus should try everything to help their leader on Sunday. Why wouldn't the Raw GM take Punk out of the match if Nexus were banned and they helped him? Oh, forgot I'm not allowed to think or analyze anything. Sorry, WWE for thinking like a human being.

Edge and Del Rio are destined to be in the WHC match at Wrestlemania. They've teased it enough that it would be a shame to change the match. I wondered how the WHC story would be resolved. I don't mind Ziggler gets the belt on Friday night and gives more obstacles to Edge. This way, Sunday will be a day of revenge for Edge. I don't like Vicki firing Kelly Kelly and/or Edge. That crap is played out. Wade and Corre need to be the ones who took out Teddy. They've been weak. No reason to swerve from them.

The new 2-21-11 video was obviously easy to figure out. Taker is returning next week to Monday night Raw. I'm not disappointed as some probably are. They were hoping for Sting. I'm excited for Taker. Even though, WWE shouldn't have made it so easy.

The real reason everyone turned into Raw was the much anticipated Divas title contest. Okay probably not. Eve isn't a good worker so adding Bellas and Kim is a great idea. Natalya did her best to help the overall product. I love Natalya and she is my dream date. The division overall needs a kick in the ass. Some type of spark to bring interest. I think Kim could provide something fresh. Awesome Kong would as well.

Daniel Bryan and Miz was awesome, pun intended. Raw may only have 4 or 5 matches every week which is to say, not a lot of in ring time. However, if they would have matches such as the Miz Bryan contest, casual fans would be tuning in more. They want more in ring action and less crapola. Miz and Bryan gave me exactly what I wanted. Miz also did a nice job hyping the match this Sunday against the King. It sucks Lawler couldn't be there to help put the match over. I'm anxious for the WWE title match at EC.

Was I smoking weed or did Raw start by telling us Truth and Morrison were competing one on one? Thanks to Cole, we were tole the Raw GM changed it. Man, that was close. I thought I took a bad drug. Why even announce it in the beginning since you changed it? WWE, stupid booking. Either way, the match wasn't all that great. Morrison got his revenge. The big question is what is Morrison doing next week. He's not winning the EC. Jericho could return to wrestle Morrison. I recommended Larry's boy take on my boy Ziggler in a match where the winner receives a title match on their respective show. I don't know if MITB will be on the Mania card since it has been made to a stand alone pay per view. Maybe the E brings it back since the mid carders need a match. Morrison is a highly intriguing prospect for the big event.

Normally, I'd hate the whole Kahli kiss cam. It's Valentine's Day so it worked. It even had laugh out loud moments. Regal and Maryse were hilarious and Hornswaggle didn't bother me.

WWE mentioned Summerslam is returning to the Staples Center this year. The event was held in the same arena in '09. I think the reason is simple. California has hot crowds. They were screaming RKO RKO. Crowds make a big difference during events. The attitude era were the best crowds. Austin and Rock nearly caused riots. Nowadays, we are lucky if the crowds are hot once a month. Anaheim was a good crowd. Sheamus got revenge, as I said he would, on Henry. Then, he and Orton did a nice job with the time they were given. Cena and Orton stand tall and I hated it. I'd rather seen Orton deliver an RKO to Cena. The Chamber is every man for himself and Orton isn't suppose to be a nice guy any longer. Hit the damn RKO next time.

The WWE knows how to throw a curveball. They tease a woman and give us the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, the great one, the people's champion THE ROCK! Fans never forget Rock. We never forget. The Rocky chants, the millions and millions and the cussing were everything a guy like me who grew up watching and witnessing the attitude era could hope for. The fans in the arena and around the world were treated to the best segment in years. The Rock was pure greatness. They way he spoke, perhaps he's more than a guest host. I know the Rock has said he would never wrestle again. Maybe he changed his mind. I have no idea. Let the speculation begin..if you smell what the Rock is cooking.

You may as well forget everything that happened on Raw because the night belongs to the Rock. Nothing else will be talked about. The Elimination Chamber is an after thought. Once the IF YA SMELL hit the arena speakers, Raw became the Rock show. This Sunday, the EC will take place and we will find out a lot more about the road to Wrestlemania. Check out the best wrestling radio host in the industry, John Conner on BBSD's ShowStoppers, where he carries the other guy. Be sure to hit the locker room for more trash talking between me and the other guy. I'll return sometime later in the week for a PICK BLOG.

J Call

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Raw 2-7

I was somewhat upset after the previous Raw which gave Lawler the number 1 contender to Miz's title. Otherwise, Raw and Smackdown weren't all that bad. Smackdown provided some compelling wrestling in their main event. Elimination Chamber is setting up nicely. Raw can continue to build momentum and hype for something very big on 2-21-11. It succeeded in one aspect but failed in another.

Vincent Kennedy McMahon showing up was certainly a surprise. I would love to see McMahon back each week. My guess is Bob Barker will host Mania. I've heard rumors he was coming back. Plus, he did an excellent job as celebrity host on Raw. Let the speculation begin. Randall Orton did indeed cost Punk his WHC back in '08. I love the WWE bringing that footage into this feud. It adds more elements to the story. Hell, usually the WWE forgets what happened a month ago. The opener worked out well. Punk received a bloody nose but got revenge on Orton. As I said about Miz and Orton, the heel needs revenge. The story gets boring if the face always gets the better. If you compare Corre and Nexus, Raw has built up their group a lot more than Smackdown has used Corre. They've looked pretty average.

The Raw GM could e-mail during the commercials every time. I wouldn't have to deal hearing Michael Cole. Cena stole my joke about the Aguilera national anthem when it came to Truth. Damn you Cena and your joke stealing ways. Anyway, I found it funny Cole lead the cheer of Milwaukee. Mason Ryan got some much needed ring time. I wanted to see what he can do. You can tell he's very green. I liked his submission, haven't seen that in years. I especially liked the torture rack to Truth's leg. I didn't care about the decision. Crowd didn't care either. They were to busy mocking Truth to feel sorry for him.

Holy crap balls, Gail Kim got to wrestle. Divas match was forgettable. I just can't get over Kim got to wrestle. I know your not going to miss Raw next week for the showdown of Eve vs. Natalya for the Diva's title. Okay, maybe that's not high on the list. Still, it's a title match and we can hope it will last longer than 5 minutes.

The new 2-21-11 video makes me believe its The Undertaker. The video plays the same Johnny Cash song as the promo for last years' Taker HBK match. The lyrics brought more hints, "There ain't no grave that can hold my body down." Taker was last seen buried alive.

I know the WWE thought about eliminating Hell in a Cell. I read they felt it was old. I disagree. The Chamber and the Cell are to unique structures to quit using them. I wish the Cell was build up a little more. They throw two guys in there like Orton and Sheamus and try to make it feel special. It didn't work. The Chamber does feel special because of when its used. The pay per view before Mania needs a gimmick. The Chamber executes that to perfection.

Starship pain was beautifully executed. Morrison doesn't always hit that move perfectly. Perhaps that is why he developed the running knee. The match wasn't anything special. It seemed Raw was filling time with a matches less than 7 minutes. I'm okay with that when it comes to Ryan and McGillicuty. Those two are young and shouldn't be exposed to a long match. They are helping get the point across without long bouts. At this moment, Punk was ruling Raw.

The Miz and King were compelling television. They did an excellent job playing off the other. Miz shocked me saying he patterned his success after King. I figured he would agree that King was the weakest challenger. Bryan and Dibiase getting involved made it all that much better. They've had a mini feud for a long time but never meant anything. Pairing the two with the number 1 contender and WWE champion means something. Best of all, the four men were given time. King and Miz had the best promo and the tag match was the best match on Raw. I'm not sure what it is. Call it childhood memories, nostalgia whatever you want, I'm starting to believe in King. The chances are slim and high unlikely the WWE would put the belt on King. But say it did happen. 2-21-11 Raw begins with King walking out as WWE champion. Michael Cole is flipping out. King starts to talk about earning it...Miz interrupts and asks for his rematch tonight. The Raw GM chimes in and makes the match. Miz wins back the belt with some help from Cole and Riley. The scenario sets up Miz and Cena and a handicap match at Mania. Now, you can do the same thing at the Elimination Chamber. You may get farther by giving Lawler the win first and then crumble the dreams on free TV.

Mark Henry has started to be built up quite a bit. A beat down on Sheamus is a pretty big thing. The Irish Ghost will get revenge next week. The big disappointment was the crowds reaction.

The crowd got hot for Santino. We might not see Del Rio much on Raw after the EC. It's a great idea to keep him in the spotlight until then. Once the Chamber is over, Del Rio should focus on the WHC. I'm just hoping its still Edge. I don't want Rey and Del Rio.

If you haven't seen it on BBSD, check out the locker room in the TNA subject. Larry and I have had a big debate on Ziggler. I know, its the wrong company. I believe Larry brought Ziggler up so it's his fault. He doesn't remember much at his old age. Cole said (and I quote), "Cena is starting to bore me." Thanks Cole for reading the blog. I've been saying that for a long ass time. Cena is boring. An assist can go to King for Cena getting the best of Nexus. They made everyone in the Elimination Chamber match look weak except Cena. Typical. He's probably going to win anyway.

Raw wasn't bad, it wasn't good either. King and Miz provided the best segment and were part of the best match. I'm sure the IWC is going nuts over the new 2-21-11 video. The rest of Raw was nothing to remember. Even VKM's announcement didn't wow me. Be sure to hit up the locker room on BBSD. There is always some good debates on sports and wrestling. You can find the best wrestling radio show on their as well in ShowStoppers. If you want to e-mail me, send it to Wooooo!

J Call

About Me

Small town guy from Iowa. I went to school in Dallas and graduated. I work for 105.3 KNOD radio station in Harlan Iowa as the news director. I love sports and wrestling. You can catch my thoughts on everything sports and wrestling on