First off I want to say thank you to anyone who has ever served or is currently serving this great country. Freedom isn't free and the price is young men and women dying for what we sometimes take for granted. I may not always agree with the war or why we fight over there. That part is your own judgement. I think we can all agree to support the troops. As a News director for a local radio station in my area, I've read the horrors of death overseas. It saddens me to think of all the men and women who sacrificed their lives. I am a proud citizen of the United States of America and damn proud I have a right to speak my mind.
Raw got off to an auspicious start with a ton of technical problems. We missed half the Truth promo while he was out trying to sell Legendary to some little Jimmy. The Raw GM is all about unprotected sex apparently. He banned jimmies from ringside. In all seriousness, this was the worst way Raw could start. The technical problems, Truth maybe cutting a good promo and then Super Confederate Warrior Cena ruining everything. This was not the way to satisfy my wrestling taste buds.
Dolph Ziggler being used on Raw helped savor my appetite. Ziggler is very underutilized and it's good to see he is back to his blond ways. Even better, Kofi and Dolph were given time to develop a story and show off why they should be used each week. Kofi does get exposure usually in small doses. They did have a few minor problems in the match, nothing more than hiccups. I would expect that when Ziggler hasn't wrestled in weeks. The match was fantastic and entertaining. Kofi and Dolph are great workers inside the ring and deserved a long match on Raw. Great showing by them and Dolph should get a shot to run with the U.S. title on Raw.
Del Rio got the opportunity to finally have a program with someone on Raw. He's done nothing since coming over from Friday Night. He should wrestle Kane down the line with Show returning. This gives him some sort of direction. I would prefer Del Rio to face someone a little higher on the totem pole. The reports were Del Rio taking on Cena at Summerslam for the WWE title. If that is true, then Del Rio should be facing a top tier Raw star. Oh crap, I forgot that Cena is the only high face on the roster. Raw is really missing John Morrison at this moment. Morrison would fill in nicely with Del Rio until August. I'm not downplaying Kane or Show, just wish new faces were established on Raw.
The Divas are getting quite a bit of worthy time on WWE programming. They aren't ever going to be the highlight of the show as Michael Cole graciously called them. With Kharma going off television for the next 9 months to give birth to a monster, the live crowds are going to be disappointed in the diva matches. There won't be anything to look forward to except hot chicks. Oh darn. I know Kharma leaving sucks and hurts everything she was building. However, let's not say it's the worst thing ever. I don't mind watching hot chicks toss each other around each week on Raw. They aren't the most talented but they are the best looking on Raw. Once Kharma returns, she will destroy again. I feel your letdown right now. In a few weeks after you don't see her for a while, it will fade into the night. Let me ask you a question, are you dreaming of Edge every Friday night? Be honest. I miss him but don't think about him each week. It's a lot like Macho Man, may he rest in peace. I love Macho man and even went back to watch some of his greatest moments. Think about it though. Nobody would even mention Macho if he hadn't died last week. It will fade is all I'm saying.
Alex Riley got new music and titan tron video after a week of being a face. Truth has been a heel for month and can't get any intro music. I guess there really is a conspiracy going on. Joking aside, Riley got a great reaction from the crowd and I liked the music and video. The whole story actually feels personal. I dig that a lot. WWE hasn't had a personal story that actually feels like it in a long time. I have to give props to both men. I hope this leads to several matches between the two. Riley needs to win but not right away. The fans will give him more sympathy if he loses the first match with Miz cheating to win. I never thought the fans would get behind Riley so quickly.
Rey and Punk had one of the best under card matches I've seen back at Armageddon 2008. I remember Rey got a bloody nose from the GTS that night. They also had a long feud with a Wrestlemania match included in the story. The chemistry between the two is outstanding. Punk must not be getting the WWE title shot against Cena as predicted by the dirt sheets. I'm just happy Punk is getting used and winning matches. As much as he is used, he could really be the best guy on the entire WWE roster. I've always liked Punk and the tribute to Macho last week made me respect the man more.
The pregnancy of Kharma does really hurt her character. We don't need to see a human side of her. I want her to destroy. She did give a great promo. A year sounds a long ways away and I look forward to Kharma's return and kill the Bellas and the rest of the Divas. I still wish we could have had Beth Phoenix take on Kharma before she left us.
I must be dreaming. Swagger and Dolph got used on Raw. I was hoping for McIntyre but he will be on Superstars taking on Chris Masters for the 3rd time in 4 weeks. Bourne got the upset win and I loved it. This little mini feud needs to continue. Now if only the WWE could find more than 2 seconds for Zach Ryder. WWWYKI Broski.
I was hoping to hear a lets go Jimmy chant during Truth's match. I think that would be hilarious. I was also waiting for the Trojan plug during the main event featuring no Jimmies. Raw was a giant letdown in the main event. I'm certain a drugged up er tired Jeff Hardy and Sting gave more in their TNA main event a few months back.
Raw featured a lot of talent in the ring which was a nice change. The ending was just a complete cluster. I like what they are doing with Truth just not that type of ending. I can't complain to much though. Dolph, Bourne and Swagger were used along with a 3 second Zach Ryder sighting. If you need more wrestling opinions, stay with BBSD for our other blogger Justin and you can hear the Showstoppers host bitch about my perfection picks at the Over the Limit pay per view. You can follow me on Twitter @mccall316 or email me jcall@bigbadsportsdaddy.com. Stunners for everyone.
J Call
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