I read the spoilers and I was super pissed. Christian winning the title at Extreme Rules was a heartfelt moment for Edge, Christian and the fans. I'm not going to sit here and tell you 'Christian deserved better.' The fact is we deserved better, the fans. I believe we were ready to back Christian as a real star and our world champion. He's a hard worker, solid mic skills and a great wrestler. The last one doesn't mean squat anymore. Captain Charisma may have fled to TNA but he was smart to do it. He saw the writing on the wall back then. He wasn't being used as more than a mid carder. His return brought hope that he was going to be properly used. Instead, he was thrown on the C show, ECW. Once again, he proved himself there and then Smackdown. Christian has a great fan base. The match with Randy Orton on Smackdown was fantastic. Nobody should doubt the quality of the contest. I was just pissed off WWE, namely Vincent Kennedy McMahon would pull the rug out from under us so fast. I understand Randy Orton wanting to be the face of Smackdown. John Cena is the face of Raw. Cena has also had long ass runs without the belt and stayed the face of Monday night. Orton doesn't need the belt. He's an established star in the wrestling world's eyes. You know why Orton is established? Because Vince and Triple H pushed his ass when he was in Evolution and then Orton branched off to be a star. Christian isn't as established because the brilliant writers and one Vince McMahon don't see dollar signs when looking at Christian. I, and I'm guessing I'm not alone, bought Extreme Rules only to see if Christian was going to win the whole damn thing. The part that pisses me off is saying Christian can't make money. I heard plenty of folks say kids buy the products, tickets and pay per views. Kids beg their parents and they don't want to see Christian. Yes, I read this crap. Here's some new information for you, kids are stupid! They will like whomever you want them to like. If Christian was facing the giant Hamburgler Mark Henry, kids would be chanting Christian's name. If Christian was facing the Giant Gonzalez part 2, The Great Kahli, kids would be chanting for Christian. Every wrestler could work a crowd with kids because they are simple minded and so is the WWE! One tweet by WWE Universe said blame WWE Universe. Well, let's see I spent $50 for a ticket, $20 on a t-shirt and $10 on nachos and a soda, yep I want to witness Christian vs. Kahli. Give me a freaking break. Swagger kept the damn World Heavyweight title longer.
I apparently know nothing about wrestling anymore. If the writers, Vince and no one else in the company believes in Christian, I would walk. The example I can make is an owner losing confidence in his manager. When the organization has zero confidence in you as the guy, then you're set into the mid card "mechanic" role for the rest of the time you are going to be there. If WWE ever throws Christian into the world title picture, he will never win. Why would I ever care then? WWE blew their load with the great moment at Extreme Rules. I will continue to root for Christian and Randy Orton. Christian might as well turn heel. It's the only chance he has. Please, don't write the hate tweets to Orton. You need to direct them to WWE and VKM. I did and do blame Vince and the higher ups. However long Christian's contract is, I'd split right after it's over and head back to TNA. I'd rather be a world champion in TNA than a mid card wrestler in WWE being used to push others over that doesn't deserve a top spot. TNA focuses on something completely different than WWE, wrestling! Mr. Kennedy was released, headed to TNA and that worked out. WWE, pull your head out of your ass and realize there are more than kids watching your product. The ratings suck compared to the Attitude era when the WWE catered to........young adults. Crazy concept! I need a pick me up.
Alright, I feel better and patriotic.
I was and still am all for Alberto Del Rio on Raw. I was just hoping for something fresh and exciting. Rey and Del Rio is neither. We saw a long program between the two of them on Smackdown. I don't want you to read that wrong, their program was great on Smackdown and got Del Rio over. Del Rio is over with the crowd now and needs to be facing bigger names. John Morrison injury saddens me. Morrison has yet to get the real push he deserves. Morrison really did have surgery. However, I had heard he was going to be out months. The diagnosis is he will only be out 4 to 6 weeks. I smell a Summerslam return. Raw started out with quite a racist promo. Miz laying down the Taco Bell parking lot line to Rey and Del Rio. R-Truth tells Del Rio he has Mexican Liver Lips. Amazing. Even better, Truth started out with Hospital food talk. I didn't get much but here's what I understood after the segment, Rey and Truth will battle at the next pay per view as will Miz and Cena. It was set up to obviously. The only thing I loved was Ricardo Rodriguez interrupting Miz at the very end. I laughed at that. Del Rio is the wildcard because if he's not in the main event and not facing Rey, then what the hell does he do?
Kharma really had her first victim on Friday night Smackdown. Alisha Fox received a separated shoulder after the clothesline she received from Kharma. I've really enjoyed this debut of Kharma. Vince is finally making the Divas relevant, although it's by destroying them. I think that's called irony. More heads flying off the Divas bodies is always good. Kharma shouldn't even be in a real match for at least another month or two. The mystery will be lost if she starts having matches. The WWE is smart by keeping her away from Beth, Natalya and Gail Kim as well. The WWE will never recognize the history between Kim and Kharma, it's long and good. Kharma's first match needs to be with one of those three lovely ladies. She can continue to squash the others before then.
The jokes keep on rolling on CM Punk. According to the dirt sheets, Punk's contract is up and is in a battle with Vince about his name. Well you can tell because since Mania, Punk has done nothing. Mason Ryan and Batista jokes seem to pop up everywhere. I actually like the kid. I don't care that he looks like Batista. He has a good look and surprising agile inside the ropes. He has a great future. In the end, his look might get him moved up quicker.
I'd prefer to see Ziggler to go back to being a blond. On Raw, I was simply happy he was used. I thought WWE forgot about him. He and Kofi need to be in a feud immediately. The U.S. title is doing nothing on Kofi. Ziggler needs a jumpstart and giving him the title would do it. Kofi is fine as a face chasing but then it's over. He doesn't do well just carrying the title.
Zach Ryder sighting on Raw was the best part of the night. WWWYKI Bro! Ryder is developing a cult following on his YouTube videos. Twitter blew up when Ryder was on TV. It's amazing. His videos have over 100,000 hits while Superstars has like 4,000. WWE needs to push him. I kinda liked what Riley did. He is the red headed step child so it's cool that he came out to challenge Cena. A shame Cena only had one more move that was original in his match. Hell, Dolph did a fireman's carry on his knees (If you're not familiar with actually wrestling, Cena's finisher is weak as pea soup, a standing fireman's carry) then Riley hit a back suplex during the match. Luckily, Cena still had his shoulder tackles to be original since Sheamus is on Smackdown. If you haven't figured it out, I hate Cena.
Lawler and Cole continues and Jimmy Crack Corn and I don't care. The mom card is played out and disrespectful to Jerry and his family. How is it possible talking about a dead mother is PG and saying ass and bitch is to harsh! I don't get the logic. Yabba Dabba *beep*. Hey Jerry, what did you do yesterday for mother's day? Oops forgot she's dead. I know which one I'd rather have my kid say to another. Kofi and Swagger wasn't bad at all. I had to put Raw on mute because of Cole but the match was decent.
The triple threat match main event was a solid effort from all 3 men. It was really pay per view quality. I'd been much happier had Truth and Cena stayed away. Nonetheless, Raw had to end somehow. I have no plans to buy Over the Limit with a Cena Miz, Rey Truth match. I have no idea what Smackdown has planned. Miz and Cena have been in the main event in nearly every pay per view so far in 2011. The WWE draft should have changed things up and yet the main event picture stays the same. Del Rio is now the x-factor. He has nothing. Maybe Over the Limit features Rey, Del Rio and Truth for the number 1 contender spot. I would be fine with that. Raw wouldn't start with a 20 minute promo the night after Over the Limit featuring 3 or 4 guys whining about getting their shot.
I think I've ranted enough for this blog. Raw was better than last week which is a backhanded complement. Over the Limit starts to shape up and I'll ignore it for the most part. WWE is getting a little stale. I don't understand if you have a draft and then keep half the guys off the show, then there was no point. WWE usually doesn't have a point to anything. If you enjoyed this Raw blog, follow me on Twitter @mccall316, email me jcall@bigbadsportsdaddy.com and keeping hitting BBSD for more great stuff from our other blogger Justin and Showstoppers. Stunners for everyone!
J Call
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