I had an amazing weekend when it comes to wrestling. Before Sunday's Extreme Rules, I ventured to Council Bluffs, IA for a little independent show called PWP or Pro Wrestling Phoenix. I had seen them before but I hadn't gone in for quite a while. I was pleasantly surprised. The show featured a Dragon Gate wrestler named Akira Tozawa. He walked around the building several times so I had a good look at him before he entered the ring. He was in a tag team contest with "Babyface" Tony Cortez. Tony has been their for years and is a solid performer. The man I really came to watch was one of their opponents, Jaysin Strife who partnered with David C.....lark. Please, don't ask about David's name because I have no idea why they write it that way. I've seen Jaysin several times and I am never disappointed. He's one of the best independent wrestlers I've ever seen. They put on a damn good main event tag match. The star of the night that shined brightest was the match between "The Anarchist" Arik Cannon and Zack Sabre Jr. I've never seen Sabre Jr. I have to say I was thoroughly impressed. Zack had a good look, crisp in ring performance and left me hoping he was going to be a regular. Unfortunately, my buddies and I were told he was only in the states for a New York minute. This was the only opportunity to see him. I was glad I was there. Zack and Cannon, who I've seen several times and always has a good match, was by far the best match of the night. Now, if you don't live in or around my area, check around to find an indy show in your area. These independent wrestling shows, such as PWP or MPX, are all over the place and focus on something other companies have forgot about, WRESTLING! You never know who you might see at an Indy show. It might be a big star someday in the WWE or TNA.

I figured I would give the WWE some credit since Morrison and Truth were announced before the commercial. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Truth and Morrison didn't even get in the ring. No bell ringing except for Morrison's after Truth beat the crap out of him. I will say this segment worked for both men. Even without the match, Morrison gains more sympathy from fans. R-Truth has plenty of heat on him. I guess it was action and not talking. Jim Ross was back at the table too so it wasn't all bad.
Maryse made it back on TV which was great. The bad news was the only reason was to get squashed by Kharma. This is exactly what WWE needed to do with Kharma Kong. She destroyed McCool at Extreme Rules and then Maryse on Raw. I hope this continues. I want her to keep destroying other Divas and then have Gail Kim, Beth Phoenix and Natalya start grouping up to try and defeat her. The one thing I don't want to see is Kharma wrestling dudes. Keep them separate or mix tag matches only.
I did see Zac Ryder in the background at the Rock's party. If you haven't checked out his YouTube videos, you are really missing out. Ryder has more charisma then over half the WWE roster. He's funny and creative. I hope he gets a chance to shine inside the ring soon and not Superstars. Hour number 1 ended without one single complete match.
The Champ didn't even get to speak. Miz and Cena were the semi main event and also the very actually match on Raw. After over an hour, we finally got a match. The cage match with Morrison, Miz and Cena was a damn good match as well. I felt Morrison was a little disappointing though. Miz brought it though. I still think Miz should have kept the WWE title. I figured Cena and Rock would have a face to face with the WWE title in Cena's hand as a future sight of what could be at Wrestlemania 28. When the hell does a ref actually reverse his decision? We hardly ever see it. The ending was weak. I didn't care for the reverse decision. We don't ever see it and it's stupid. We see guys win by cheating constantly. I know I'm suppose to suspend realism watching wrestling. Still, show some consistency.
As I stated in the opening paragraph, I enjoyed to the fullest the Del Rio Christian ladder match. Del Rio will have the WWE title soon. The WWE hasn't pulled the trigger on giving Del Rio a title yet. It will happen before Summerslam. The tag match gives me hope for a few things. Kofi and Drew could easily mix it up for the U.S. title right away. Swagger and Rey doesn't do anything for me though. We saw that last year around the same time when Swagger was the World champion. The only thing I didn't want was Del Rio and Rey again. Smackdown had the longest feud of the year with those two guys. Raw is going to rectify it and I'm super pissed.
I was pretty stoked to see Dolph Ziggler on Raw. Ziggler actually responded to a few tweets I sent him a few nights ago on Twitter. @HeelZiggler is his id. I found out he's a big Archer fan. The reason Twitter is so cool is because guys like Ziggler and Mick Foley respond to tweets. It gives you a feeling that they care about you. By the way, I'm on Twitter @mccall316 (cheap plug). Actually I told Ziggler I would give him a shout out in my next WWE blog.
WWE must be pretty high on Mason Ryan. He over powered Kane and Big Show. Ryan might branch off Nexus and move on to Goldberg like terror through the under card. The WWE needs to step up and make new stars. Ryan might be one of those guys. We all see the resemblance of Batista. Well, Batista didn't do a whole lot of pure wrestling but the looks is all he needed. I kinda like it though. Nexus is stale as is the Corre. Stables only work when the guys in the stables actually win. Ryan and McGillicuty have futures. Ryan's is a little easier since he has a better look and name. McGillicuty needs to be taken off TV for a while, I paused to write that since Raw was the first time I'd seen him in weeks, and have his name and look changed.
Vincent Kennedy McMahon was a special treat. One thing nobody can say is WWE can't produce sweet videos. Their tribute to The Rock was damn good. I'd never heard of Mia but I'd like her pie. I figured some big name was going to come out and interrupt The Rock. I was disappointed. I wanted Jericho, Austin or someone. At least more than Vince. Raw let me down.
The entire show wasn't all that great. I know this birthday celebration was special and gave us a few moments. It didn't give us what I wanted which is wrestling and being entertained. I don't care about the Heat, Hurricanes or Pitbull. You have to cater to the Miami fans but you also have to cater to the audience at home. I don't think the WWE did that at all. You can catch more hot wrestling opinions on BBSD with the boys from Showstoppers. You can follow me on Twitter @mccall316 or our legend Larry @bigbadlarry. If you don't have Twitter, email me at jcall@bigbadsportsdaddy.com. Stunners for everyone.
J Call
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