Before heading down the WWE trail and write about Raw, I need to focus on TNA. I actually liked what they are doing right now. Yes, me the so called "WWE Homer" is praising TNA. I'm not a big fan of certain things. I would like to kick Flair and Hogan off television and take Bischoff with them. Foley is back but that's not important either. The changing of TNA to Impact Wrestling on Thursday is a decent move. My only problem is if you are going to switch your brand name, you better be certain you are well prepared. They weren't. I love the slogan 'where wrestling matters.' Others are going to piss all over since it was TNA that came up with it. However, I am the one who yells and screams in this blog about wanting more wrestling. If TNA is for real and focuses a lot more on wrestling, I will be happy to tune in every Thursday evening to Spike TV. Over the past few months, the Jeff Jarrett Kurt Angle saga has taken several turns. Most of them coming in losses for Angle. Thursday, Chyna returning to wrestling and getting involved was dare I say brilliant. I'm not joking. WWE has Kharma who is making the biggest push a Diva has ever had. TNA responds with a woman who has not been seen on pro wrestling television in years. Angle finally got over at Sacrifice with the help of Chyna. The story should end now and Angle can move on to bigger fish. I sure hope Chyna sticks around as well.

The opening promo was way to long and pretty pointless. Super Cena with the same crap about fear I've heard 7500 times before. I give credit to Riley for giving a decent promo and working the crowd with cheap heat. I'm just sick of Raw being all about Super Cena and Miz for the WWE title. We've seen it too long. At least on Smackdown, Orton and Christian is new and fresh. They will have a better wrestling match at Over the Limit too. Raw should focus on some new talent. I liked what Bret Hart tweeted last week about McIntyre being thrown on Superstars was a mistake. I couldn't agree more. Drew is solid all the way around and being drafted to Raw might have been a mistake when he can't make it on the damn show. He was used every week on Smackdown.
I couldn't believe Punk dismantled the U.S. champion so quickly. I would love to see a long feud with those two. Well hell I would be happy with any feud for the U.S. title. Kofi hasn't done squat since heading to Raw. WWE might know how to push a WWE title match but they've forgotten all about the important under card matches. In the 90's, the intercontinental matches were better than most of the WWE title matches. Mr. Perfect, Bret Hart, Jake the Snake, Piper and many more sold shows because of their matches not the main event. WCW was a prime example when they had their Cruiserweight division. Now the WWE focuses on one story and can't figure out how to put anything else together. It is such a waste. Then they wonder around scratching their ass when they say they don't have new stars.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the way the WWE has used Kharma. The live crowds are even giving a huge pop every time she comes down. She feels like an event every moment she is on television. I have no clue where it goes with Kelly Kelly and I don't give a crap. I just want to see more Kharma. She doesn't need to be a heel or face just DESTROY!
Rey is much better on the stick then people give him credit for. He's really not that bad. I've sure heard a lot worse. I don't like him speaking in Spanish because I don't understand it. I understand why he does it for obvious reasons. I think I've whined about showcasing new talent and keeping things fresh. As I typed that, Del Rio and Rey were talking. We've seen this as well. WWE needs to book Del Rio, Rey and Truth for the number 1 contender to Super Cena's WWE title. That way Raw won't open with a 20 minute promo about who deserves a shot. I shouldn't complain to much since Del Rio and Rey was a solid effort in the ring. R-Truth looked a lot like The Pope from TNA with the do-rag on. Truth is getting a bigger response than ever before so at least something positive is coming out of his heel turn. I just can't understand half the stuff Rey or Truth says. The poor people typing the closed caption with ???? during that entire segment.
Cole and Lawler are going to battle in a kiss my foot match is not a bad idea. Michael Cole made the impossible happen, Texans rooting for a Sooner. People wanted to see Swagger turn on Cole. I'm all for Swagger face turn. He's got nothing else going on and Raw seems to be full of heels. You could easily turn Swagger and have him face Del Rio, Miz, McIntyre or Punk. Instead, the WWE probably teased us to hose us over at Over the Limit. I'm already passed my limit on Cole and Lawler matches. This needs to end on Sunday!
Speaking of Sunday's Over the Limit, I will be blogging my ppv picks Thursday morning for the entire wrestling world to see. They usually suck but I'll continue to bring them to you. The entire card seems pretty damn boring. Randy Orton and Christian will be the best match but we know the finish. Orton will win and Christian will turn heel. Raw announced an actual tag team championship match for OTL like it matters. McGillicuty needs to be repackaged so he can look like his dad Mr. Perfect. He's a solid in ring promo but his look and finisher is weak. A running neckbreaker is not a finisher. WWE neglects his past which is mistake.
Once again Zach Ryder gets shown on WWE TV for less than 15 seconds. Yet another missed opportunity as Ryder continues to gain more momentum on Twitter and Youtube. I figured Miz would choose a gauntlet match. I was wrong. Swagger went from a potential face turn to facing the most over man in WWE. I guess it does help Swagger get passed the sidekick role. Swagger had a sweet bump into the chair. That was about the only thing I enjoyed out of their match. Cena hit a record 7 shoulder tackles so that's something to gloat about. Actually Swagger wasn't bad at all. If that were a lead pipe, it sure bounced like it was rubber on the mat. Raw ends with Super Cena on top, no surprise there.
Raw was boring. The overall show didn't bring anything to the table. Over the Limit is a filler pay per view. Cena and Miz in the main event is not getting me to purchase the show. I love Orton and Christian but Christian has about as much chance as I have of winning the lottery. WWE is on cruise control and not giving us anything special during these summer months. They won't for several months. SAVE US Y2J! I know you need more wrestling and you can find that on BBSD with Showstoppers and our other blogger Justin. I'll come back for my Over the Limit picks which might be my shortest blog in history. Stunners for everyone.
J Call
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