We lost a great wrestler, entertainer and person 12 years ago when Owen Hart passed away. I remember the night Owen's accident happened. I was at a farm house outside my home town with a bunch of friends. We had ordered the ppv as it was the height of the Austin era. Most of them weren't a big wrestling fan so they didn't pay much attention. I was sitting there watching the entire show and well you know the rest. Jim Ross comes on the air and makes the announcement. WWE got a lot of flack for going on with the show. It was never released on VHS or DVD. I was in shock. I couldn't believe it was real (We always have to guess). The nightly news showed it was real. The next night, Raw may have been the most emotional episode in history. Owen is still missed to this day. He left us way to soon and so has a lot of other men and women.
I was kind of mad at first about Jerry Lawler opening the show but then Bret came out and I felt a whole lot better. Truth got a great rub from Bret as well. A great way to further Truth's heel character, put him in the ring with a beloved legend. Super Cena had to ruin the great moment. A Rooster from Brooster told me Truth is entertaining in a nonsensical way. The opener was entertaining even if it went long. Truth delivered a solid promo. Bret gets to be used and Super Cena didn't piss me off to much.
The tag team division seems to be getting quite a bit of air time on WWE TV. I'm sure having Kane and Show helps quite a bit. They are a tower of power and are guys fans want to see every week. They even got a pay per view match which is a rarity for tag teams. The WWE could have done this a long time ago. Nexus probably should have won but if Punk is in the title hunt then it makes sense. I just wish Ryder and Hawkins would get a chance to shine against Show and Kane. I can't believe David Otunga is a WWE champion. If this would have happened before Saturday, the world would have ended. I take it Big Show and Kane are going to be feuding with Del Rio until Summerslam. I just want Kane to go med evil on Del Rio. For example, hang him from the stage and strap battery cables to his nuts with jumper cables from Del Rio's luxury car.
Evan Bourne continues to be wasted. WWE has no clue what to do with him. He's so small the WWE will never push him. And he still gets big pops from the crowd every time he comes out. Swagger should be getting over but you can make it competitive. Evan's attack will lead to one or two more bouts. I'll take it if they are longer than 3 minutes.
So after Cole crapped on everything in the WWE for the past however long this crap went on, he comes out apologizes and all is forgiven. That's some weak ass sauce WWE. Cole shouldn't even be on WWE TV for several months so we can forget about him for a while. I understand they did a bunch of stuff to him at Over the Limit and it wasn't enough. Then Miz gets buried my a face turn for Alex Riley. Actually, I was okay with that. Riley can move on to Smackdown and hopefully the face turn sticks. Smackdown needs another face. I thought Dibiase would be used as a face. Instead, again good move, WWE paired him back up with Rhodes. It will be interesting to see what Riley does on his own. As far as Miz goes, I have no idea. He's a guy who won't look that bad even by losing to Cena and then beat down by Riley. Miz is a good enough character just to bounce right back and not lose anything.
The WWE was doing such an excellent job with Kharma. She was coming out and destroying every Diva in sight. Well leave it to the WWE to screw up such a good thing. Kharma crying in the middle of all the Divas is about the dumbest thing I could see them doing it. I take that back. It was dumb enough to where I wouldn't think of it. Kharma isn't suppose to cry, she's suppose to DESTROY!
The little things seem to matter to me. Drew McIntyre getting pyro is brilliant. I already enjoy his music and entrance. The pyro is icing on the cake. Bret Hart was complaining about WWE use of Drew and look what happens, Drew gets on TV while Bret was around. I don't really care how it happened, Drew deserves to be on Raw. He also deserved to win the match. I was happy to see Dolph is back in blonde and maybe will take on Kofi soon. Drew still needs to be shown each week on Raw. WWE has about 20 minutes free every week now that Cole isn't going to be in a story. Dolph, Kofi and Drew can all have their chance.
WWE did the right thing by showing a tribute to Macho Man Randy Savage. He is a true ICON. The real shame is WWE waited until he passed away to recognize his greatness. The petty bull crap was certainly worth it for Vince. To their credit, the video was amazing and heart warming. King even mentioned Randy as a Hall of Famer. I dig that. OOOOOOOH YEEEAH!
I also dug CM Punk rocking the Macho Man vintage trunks. Punk did that for two straight nights. He must have been a huge Macho Man fan back in the day and still admires him obviously. The main event made me wish I could see a CM Punk Bret Hart match. They would have been magic together. The finish wasn't the best. I'm all for the sharpshooter on Punk. I'm not for Cena and Rey. I'm hoping the WWE changes this to Punk in another week or so. I doubt they stick to Cena Rey sugar to the sweet main event for Capitol Punishment.
Raw was very watchable. The opening segment had me worried with Lawler and Cena. I wasn't a big fan of the treatment Kharma and Drew McIntyre. The nostalgia of Bret kept me entertained overall. However, I shouldn't knee jerk react to everything. I think WWE will change the main event and Drew being on Raw gives hope. Kharma is a head scratchier. No idea what WWE will do with her. Perhaps the ShowStoppers will know and you can check them out every Wednesday on BBSD. You can follow me on Twitter @mccall316. Big top rope elbow drops for everyone.
J Call
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