Monday, May 10, 2010

Raw 5-10 I told you so

First off, a big thank you to BBSD for the sympathy given to me last week. Also thank you to Eric for writing the Raw blog. Thank yous are out of the way we can get to wrestling. Last week, I was disappointed. I will have more on last weeks Raw later. I can't believe we get Flava Flav on Raw. I will make sure to turn on the closed captioning to understand what the hell he is saying. If the celebrity GM is going to be guys who had shows on VH1 it maybe time to quit. I don't want to be disappointed again.

The reason this blog is being titled I told you so is because I in fact said I told you so. TNA is no longer on Monday nights. The Monday night wars is already over before it ever heated up. Of course I am going to gloat. I wrote a huge Monday night war blog, click here to read it. I said TNA will never compete with the WWE. They gave up to quickly and should have stuck it out throughout the summer. I still think they couldn't win. Now we will never know. TNA goes back to Thursdays and it's unfortunate for wrestling fans who have to dedicate another night to watch wrestling. I was doing that anyway because I didn't watch TNA on Mondays. I am most disappointed because Wasp and I don't get to have dueling blogs on Tuesdays. I can't wait until the ratings to come out for Raw and see how it does unopposed. I told you to listen to me. My ppv picks may have sucked but I do know a few things about wrestling.

As far as last weeks show, NXT guys should not be wrestling Batista and Cena. I really enjoyed the end with Edge and Orton and the Dibiase Morrison match. After that, nothing really sparked my interest. The WWE will make me happy if they continue to show the Hart Dynasty every week. I like the teaming of Jericho and Miz but worried the US title will get lost again. The recaps are over and now is the time to breakdown Raw.

The man who ends last weeks show starts this weeks. Who the hell cares about Meatloaf and his new album? A horrible looking RKO and I don't care because it needed to be done. After witnessing the first ten minutes the real show starts with Edge. I may not be the biggest fan of bringing back Vicki as the GM of Raw. On the one hand, it's a story line rehashed. She brings in major heat though and this is a great way of getting Orton even more over as a face. The fans can't stand Vicki so they will be begging Orton to RKO her loud mouth.

I enjoyed the Jericho David match even if it was to short. As I said earlier, I am not fond of teaming Jericho and Miz up. I hope it's a one time thing and they are only tagging up to put over the Dynasty at Over the Limit. Jericho could then turn back to a face and see if he can gain back his jericholics. The Dynasty need to hold the titles for a long time to help establish the tag titles. Showstoppers hosts talked about how to help the tag division last week on their radio show. None of them talked about the tag champions. I know you have to have tag teams to defend those titles. You also need to get the champions established as a power house.

I needed closed caption for Flava Flav. Holy crap I have no idea what new show he is on, I dont care either. Primo and Carlito are one of those tag teams who can have a story line with the Hart Dynasty. Truth and Dibiase feud has a ton of potential. The match was a wasted segment even if it solidified the feud. I would rather see a few tag matches with say Truth and Morrison vs Dibiase and someone. I would have taken a backstage promo with Flav and Truth then have Primo and Carlito beat him up backstage.

I have mentioned many times about how much I enjoy Evan Bourne. I think Ryder has some potential. The outcome may help Raw get some under card feuds. I'm sure next week we will have a mixed tag match with Bourne and Kim versus Ryder and Fox. Raw needs little story lines like these to help give the show purpose. I'm not saying it's gonna be a long great feud. A couple of weeks is enough and it gives guys like Bourne and Ryder some much needed exposure.

Eric hit on how stupid Over the Limit is for a pay per view name. I'm with him and the name is stupid. I am happy to see its not a lame gimmick show. The final installment of the Cena Batista will be an I Quit Match. If I didn't hate the two men, I might say I would look forward to that match. I thought the Batista and Sheamus attack of Cena this week would set up the returning Game next week. I was in a bit of shock when Henry rolled down the ramp way. Triple H must be taking a longer hiatus then I expected.

Tyson Kidd with a surprisingly quick win over Miz. I am a big fan of Bret Hart but even I don't want to see him wrestle Miz. I know it will be the final night of Bret's recent stint with the WWE. I hope he gets a replacement for that match. I'm not sure who he can get to step in, maybe a Canadian.

WWE stop putting the damn NXT kids on Raw. I know the ratings for the show suck so you are trying to push the kids. I was going to keep ripping until Daniel finally got a victory. He is the best wrestler on NXT and he and Bourne could have one exciting match. Vince is keeping him down because of his name recognition from ROH. Daniel needs to start being pushed.

I don't get the beat down on Henry. That didn't help him at all. I guess it was all for pushing Batista and his new finisher. You could have done that in a match instead of wasting a segment. A heel cheats and attacks when his opponents back is turned and that's what Batista did. Doesn't always have to make sense I guess.

Teddy teaming up with Edge made sense. Who would know Orton better? I liked Truth coming out to help Orton win. Why the hell would you have Vicki promoted and resign in one night? The WWE has no common sense. Randy gets the win and goes two up on Edge. Their match is the one I look forward to the most at the pay per view.

The second time ever next week is commercial free. I thought for sure last year would have more in ring wrestling and less bull crap. I was wrong. I hope I get a little more in ring action next week because this week really lacked in the wrestling department. Buzz doesn't do much for me in the guest host department, which seems to get weaker every week. Betty White did well on Saturday Night Live, bring her in for a week. I'll be back next week for another Raw blog.

J Call

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About Me

Small town guy from Iowa. I went to school in Dallas and graduated. I work for 105.3 KNOD radio station in Harlan Iowa as the news director. I love sports and wrestling. You can catch my thoughts on everything sports and wrestling on