Wrestlemania was a good show in my opinion. As I said, there were a few mistak
es. John Morrison and Ziggler didn't even get a chance in the ring. I guess that's better than Sheamus and Bryan being made into a non-title stupid ass battle royal. Dolph and Morrison are the future of the company. I truly believe they will headline a Mania or two in their wrestling career. They certainly didn't get that chance this year. Cole and Lawler were in deed a bigger letdown than Vince and Bret. That went on way too long. Cena's entrance was ridiculous. I could barely make out what the choir was doing. Then he comes out in a confederate flag look-a-like t-shirt. I guess he wanted to even it out since he had an all black choir. Cena is the master at hypocrisy.

The good definitely out weighed the bad. Triple H and The Undertaker brought out the best of wrestling. They provided a story for the ages. I was on the edge of my seat after the 3rd pedigree and nearly fell off my chair when Trips hit the tombstone. A lot of my friends didn't care for the finish. I liked the surprise tap out finish. HBK lost back to back years with a tombstone. I speculate maybe they wanted to be different. In the end, incredible match. JR and King were incredible at the table. They were wonderful. Del Rio and Edge didn't make a lot of sense to be an opener. Even if it didn't, the match was still solid. I enjoyed it and especially since Christian didn't turn heel. The Rock was also entertaining but I could have done with the long opener if it gave us an actual United States title match. I give the show a B+. We all judge to harshly on Wrestlemania. This may not have been the greatest, but it's one I will remember for years to come.
Raw opened with the Game. I didn't expect that or Ross at the broadcast table. Triple H finally recognized he fought Taker at Wrestlemania before. That was about 2 months to late. They should have added that on the story. Triple H furthered the line of The Undertaker becoming mortal. Triple H's promo was heart felt and nice. The only problem I have is Triple H saying he will be waiting. I hope he's not waiting another year. The Undertaker needs a new opponent. No more tries for anyone old at Wrestlemania.
The entire Michael Cole persona has lasted way to long. I thought for sure Wrestlemania would end it. It should have. Swagger is at least a real wrestler and had an actual wrestling match with Lawler. Deja Vu from Wrestlemania. It wasn't bad. I was hoping for Austin and more stunners. The BBQ thing worked. I just wondered who was going to call Raw afterward.
We found out Cole was back in his play pen. Raw as far as broadcasting, got much worse. No offense to Booker or Josh, it's just we want JR and King. Cole going in and out of character all night doesn't help a broadcast or other wrestlers. Orton and Rey teaming up to further their respective feuds is a good idea. Both men had great matches at Wrestlemania. Rhodes is really working this new character. I like it since he was never going to be 'over' as Dashing Cody Rhodes. Orton and Rhodes need to have a one on one feud sometime this year. The tag match was very well done. No doubt those two stories head all the way until Extreme Rules.
I will be watching Tough Enough directly following Raw. WWE didn't chose the cast and USA did most of the production value. The show will probably feel like the UFC show on Spike. It should be fun. I know a few of them were on the Independent circuit. The segment made me want to see Stone Cold wrestle again. The crowd has been hot. Miz couldn't do anything with Austin when The Rock and Cena are later. It worked for publicizing Tough Enough and anytime Austin is on is good in my book.
Del Rio's destiny is apparently to be built up for months to lose at Wrestlemania. I feel bad for Evan Bourne. He's one talented individual and seems to float around. Bourne should be in a feud with Daniel Bryan for wrestling sake. Del Rio is going off on a mean streak. He's developing an even more vial character. I actually want to see him get the World title soon. I'm not tired of Edge, Del Rio deserves it. Extreme Rules will be some sort of rematch. If I were to bet, I'm not and am terrible at predictions, I'd go with a Ladder match.
I'm all for anything that keeps Ziggler and Morrison in a feud together. I don't care how it's done, these two need to be in some sort of a gimmick match at Extreme Rules. Morrison and Ziggler tripled their in ring minutes from Wrestlemania. I continue to say they are the future. I believe they are. Ziggler is easily the best seller in WWE. Morrison has everything you can ask for in a star. This feud needs to last a while so the fans can finally get a chance to see into their crystal ball.
Finally, Sheamus and Bryan got their opportunity. That should have been the Wrestlemania opener. They proved with little time to have a good match. They could have had another 7 minutes at Wrestlemania and gave us a really good match. Sin Cara is going to be a lot of fun to watch. Daniel Bryan, Sheamus and Sin Cara can have a hell of a triple threat match sometime. Sin Cara did a little and meant a lot. Some times less is more.
The Rock and Cena has felt special these past weeks. One thing I agree with Cena, I want to see Cena and The Rock. I just want to see The Rock win. I guess we will see it in a year. How the hell can this wait another year? Look, I want to see the match. I can't see how it can hold up for an entire year. What happens if Cena gets hurt? It is a match that should be on a Wrestlemania card. I agree with that. The second best thing is Summerslam. Summerslam is big enough for Rock and Cena. The Corre was a good idea to finish if they actually got an upper hand. Instead, they were fodder. I should be pumped, I can't though when I know the match is 364 days away.
Raw was a good show. I liked the in ring battles. Raw provided some good wrestling entertainment. The tag match with Punk/Rhodes and Rey/Orton was damn good. Sheamus and Bryan got what they should have gotten Sunday night. WWE obviously is booking and planning for Wrestlemania XXVIII. How about a little less planning for next year's Mania and a little more planning the here and now.
Be sure to check out ShowStoppers on Wednesday now on BBSD. You can always follow me on twitter @mccall316. By the way, I keep forgetting to mention that if you only read my blog on BBSD, you are always missing out on the pictures, so click the link at the top of my blog page on BBSD. If you don't have twitter, email me at jcall@bigbadsportsdaddy.com. I appreciate all your hits and feedback. Stunners for everyone!
J Call
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