The John Morrison R-Truth promo was a bit awkward. The whole thing started with talking about Truth not being in shape. That is about as week as a feud starting over a cup of coffee being spilled on someone. They were just creepy on the mic together. They are friends but weren't friendly and the crowd was dead. I guess Trish Stratus shoulder wasn't that cold. Morrison was getting all the heat in the backstage and now he's in the main event. I am glad Truth is going to be a heel. The rap gimmick needed to end a while ago. The entire turn took way to long on Raw. I felt the segment should have finished 5 minutes before it did. Still, Truth is a heel and has some relevance. The WWE was very PG with Truth smoking a cigarette live on television. All in all, great heel turn.
As I pointed out in the opening paragraph, UK fans and foreign fans in general do it better than most American crowds. Miz being booed out of the building proved my point. Miz never gets that type of reaction anywhere else. I realize Miz is in a feud with Cena, who gets booed excessively in the States. You can boo them both. Hell, scream your ass off for Morrison, he's due. I just don't understand why you boo Cena and cheer Miz. I just don't give a crap for either of them. I will root for Morrison but we know Miz will win. Extreme Rules is selling me by adding Christian in the main event with Del Rio. I love Christian and want to see him win the big one. However, Del Rio should win at Extreme Rules. I know you're pissed. Calm down because I have a rational concept. Smackdown has been ran by faces with the World Heavyweight Championship since around last summer. Kane held the title until Edge took it at TLC. It's time for Friday night to be run by a heel. Christian is due, hell he has been due for a big title for about 2 years. If you have Christian chase for 4 months, Summerslam could be the big moment all the peeps are waiting for. Edge could return to be a special guest ref, Del Rio flips the hell out and Christian manages to finally win the big one. His World Title moment would be very similar to Jeff Hardy winning his first WHC at Armageddon 2008.
The tag match was fantastic. Sin Cara is amazing to watch. He did botch a few spots a week ago but tonight, he was near perfect. The dirt sheets reported WWE was down on Sin Cara after his match with Primo. Well I think WWE trusts him a bit when he is put in a tag team match with John Cena. He overshot the moonsault and it's going to take time for the wrestlers to adapt to Cara and vice versa. Cara is still showing what he can do. The WWE is putting him in bigger matches but he would better be suited with guys like Evan, Primo and Daniel Bryan. For now, I'm happy he's getting opportunities.
I felt bad for Eve which is why she was my photo at the top of the blog. Bellas are worthless and Eve gets the victory. Meanwhile, Awesome Kong was shown again this time snapping legs off a brunette. I guess no one will be safe. The rumor has it, Kong's WWE name will be Kharma. Kharma is a bitch and she will destroy everyone. I just hope she destroys all the barbie dolls then moves on to real competition like Gail Kim, yes Kim look it up on Youtube if you don't believe me, Natalya and Phoenix. The Diva title has an opportunity to finally becomes important for the first time since Trish Stratus.
Michael Cole getting off the headset was great. My ears stopped bleeding as Ross and King were the only ones on the mic. I hated the entire segment. Cole has just gotten to the point of annoyance passed Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan and the Jersey Shore combined. It's time for him to get his ass handed to him at Extreme Rules. I was really hoping for Swagger to turn face. I guess that's not happening for a while. To bad, I wanted to root for a fellow Sooner.
I actually enjoyed the Sheamus Santino match. The Irish Ghost shouldn't miss an episode. He just needs a real story. Daniel Bryan hasn't done anything since 3 weeks prior to Wrestlemania. WWE already hosed us on not getting the match on the Mania card. Now, Daniel Bryan, who is extremely talented, gets to do nothing. You piss me off sometimes WWE. It's not rocket science. It's to damn late for a rematch to be set back up for the next pay per view. They could make it up to us by giving them a 20 minute contest on Raw for free. That's to easy.
I was happy to see Randy Orton and Punk given plenty of time to have their main event. The broadcast on TV made it sound like Orton got the biggest pop of the night. Say what you want about how it was something we saw at Wrestlemania, it was damn good. Randy and Punk helped revive me in the broadcast because I was bored. The only thing I want to see is Orton getting help against Nexus. Once again, I bring up Daniel Bryan. If the WWE wants to build a new star, add Daniel Bryan to this story and have Orton feud with Mason Ryan, Daniel with Punk. I think we can all agree Bryan and Punk would be a blast to see. Punk should have gotten the upper hand tonight with a GTS to end. Other than that, I was pretty happy with how Raw ended.
The overall show wasn't memorable. WWE hasn't done enough build for Extreme Rules. I'm looking forward to Christian and Del Rio over anything else. Morrison in the main event should quiet some of the critics that were super pissed R-Truth got that spot last week. Somehow, the match will probably end up in a fatal four way as you can't turn Truth heal and then not put him on the pay per view. Remember, you can e-mail me jcall@bigbadsportsdaddy.com and follow me on twitter @mccall316, I tweet live during Raw and TNA Impact. Make sure you tune into my boys John Conner and Larry Stanley on Showstoppers on BBSD. Stunners for everyone.
J Call
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