10) Summerslam 2008 Edge vs. The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell Match.
This feud was one of several that deserved such a send off and Edge and Taker delivered. The Undertaker's returns are diluted now but in this story it felt special. Edge played it off well and was sent to hell at the end of the match. Hell in a Cell delivered the final blow to one of Edge's best feuds.
9) Unforgiven 2006 John Cena vs. Edge for the WWE Title in a TLC Match
The match was held in Edge's backyard Toronto, Ontario Canada. Cena and Edge had a long program and this was the kicker. Cena was in a lose lose because of the hot Canada crowd. I loved the finish with Edge going through two tables off an FU. Only a handful of people have made Cena look great and Edge is one of them.
8) Vengence 2004 Randy Orton vs. Edge for the Intercontinental Championship
No need for weapons, ladders or a cage in this classic one on one contest. Edge and Orton wrestled in a beautiful match. They started slow with basic mat wrestling, worked towards hot spots and ended with a surprise finish. Orton wasn't elevated to the big level yet but Edge helped him. Even better is once Orton was up to the main event level, Rated RKO teamed up.
7) Summerslam 2000 TLC Edge & Christian vs. The Hardyz vs The Dudleys
The three teams that lifted tag teams to heights we will never see again. These guys did everything in this match. The first of many TLC matches for Edge and the peak of tag team gold. Wrestling will never duplicate what these three teams did.
6) Wrestlemania 22 Mick Foley vs. Edge
OH MY GOD! This match was the first and probably the only time the WWE allowed a flaming table at Wrestlemania. Foley brought it all out in Edge and vice versa. This was my favorite hardcore match in the WWE era. I loved the story, the match and the swerve later on teaming with Foley. My favorite moment of the match was the flip over the top with Lita on Foley's back. HBK and Vince maybe remembered more from fans but I feel Edge and Mick stole the show.
5) Wrestlemania 24 Edge vs. The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Champion
I heard rumors that Edge didn't particularly care for this match. I enjoyed this match. Edge and The Undertaker always felt special and some certain chemistry and I felt that in this contest. They both worked hard to put on a great show. Edge was in the main event for a reason. He's always dedicated and the fact he didn't feel this match was that good, shows his devotion. Edge deserved a few more spots on the main event at Wrestlemania. I guess stealing the show a few times means more.
Edge shocks the world. I couldn't put Cena and Edge at New Year's Revolution on the list because it was barely a match. Edge won his first championship and kicked started the Money in the Bank guarantee. Since then, everyone who has cashed in has won. But the first is always the most special and that was Edge's win over Cena.
4) Raw January 16th, 2006 Edge vs. Ric Flair TLC Match for the WWE Championship
Wooooo! I remember Flair mentioning this match in his Hall of Fame speech. Edge called the match, took a man who never worked in a ladder match and made it such a beautiful match. The story built in the match was paced so well. Edge took a lot of the bumps but to Flair's credit, he held his own. I couldn't believe they even made this match. At the end, I couldn't believe how good it was. That's a credit to both competitors.
3) Wrestlemania 2000 Tables Trio Tag Edge & Christian vs. Hardyz vs Dudleys
I had to put this on the list. The finish alone with Edge and Christian standing on a table scaffold was creative as hell. Edge and Christian were recognized as masters of the ladder shortly afterward. This match proved it.
2) No Mercy 1999 Tag Ladder Match Edge & Christian vs. Hardy Boyz
Before there were 5 second posses, TLC, spears, Rated R and single's success, there was the Terri Runnels. I know seems crazy. Many fans around my age (I'm 27 for those who care) always say HBK and Razor revolutionized the Ladder match. If they revolutionized the Ladder, then what ized word can you come up with for what these two teams did? Nobody looks at ladder matches the same way after what 4 men did on October 17th, 1999. This ladder match was the only one Edge & Christian lost too. Incredible.
1) Wrestlemania XVII TLC II Edge & Christian vs. Hardyz vs. Dudleys

I'm seriously saddened by the retirement of the Rated R Superstar, Edge. I know I sound like a selfish wrestling fan. I am happy he is getting out before he is seriously injured because that would make this even worse. I've come to realize that nothing lasts forever. Bold statement huh? When I was younger watching wrestling I never thought Hogan and Flair would make me feel sad for them because they can't let go. Once the attitude era, I wanted Austin and Rock to never leave my television screen. I never though 'Oh crap these guys aren't going to last forever.'
Now, fans aren't taking advantage of those sweet moments we get every once in a while. We complain because these moments don't happen all the time. I'm one of them. I complain about lack of direction, new stars and wrestling in the broadcasts. Meanwhile, I look around and see Edge, Austin and HBK are gone and The Rock, HHH and Taker recently came back. Instead of complaining, we should bask in the glory. You never know when this day is their last.
J Call
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