I'm sure most wrestling fans have seen or heard TNA brought back Sting and had him win the TNA world title from Hardy. If you haven't seen it, search youtube and find it. TNA made themselves look horrible. The Impact (pun intended) was weak at best. Sting returning was a nice moment especially since it wasn't in the puny Impact Zone. The crowd loved it but the return felt stupid compared to Taker/HHH encounter or The Great One being named Mania host. TNA made a fool of themselves when copying the Taker video and somewhat the return. They kept the arena dark and played an ominous video. TNA will always be second rate unless the talent stops mentioning and mocking WWE. I like Anderson and Angle. But they are put in the dumbest situations. I was all for Sting to make his debut with WWE a few weeks ago. Sting could have shocked the world. Instead, returned and won a belt from Mardi Gras. I don't know whether to care or feel sorry for him.
Raw started off with a little shocker as the Deadman was the first to appear. I can't see the negative in Triple H and Taker at this years Mania. Taker mentioning Michaels, followed by the kick ass video, is a great way to remind people about the streak. I don't think Triple H and Taker can match the intensity or story that the previous two Wrestlemania matches have had. The stipulation is a brilliant one. The match at Wrestlemania XVII was similar as they used the arena to their advantage. We might see something the same concept for this years battle. It keeps getting better.
The attention has been on Cena, Miz and The Rock for good reason. However, the best story Raw has developed is Punk/Orton. Randall gained even more sympathy with the fans. He was beaten to a pulp and somehow managed to beat Otunga, RKO Ryan and punt Otunga out of Mania. The new Nexus never got the love the original did. They are about to be dismantled completely by the Viper. If I were a betting man, I'd say the draft will disperse them all to different shows. Smackdown may keep Corre intact for a while longer. I think they have legs and I like Barrett in his role. I can't believe how Cena failed to take out Nexus and Orton has been so successful. Normally, Cena is the guy taking everyone out. Granted he took out Barrett but no one else. I'm relieved by it though since I love Randall and dislike Cena.
I forgot Christian was on Raw. I thought he was making an appearance on Friday night. Brodus is a guy I hadn't seen much. I rarely caught NXT. I had read quite a bit on him and was impressed with his size. He won't wow anyone with his speed or athletic ability. Del Rio and Christian is obviously still going to continue. I hope they have a match on Smackdown. I can't see the ending except if C-squared gets involved in the main event at Mania. Christian could turn on Edge but how would that work after Del Rio injured him. If anyone should be heel, it's Edge. He makes the better heel and that way Christian can chase. The fans always get behind the guy returning from injury at that's Captain Charisma.
You talk about the Attitude Era, you have to bring up Sunny. She was probably the most risque woman WWE has ever had. I don't know about being in the Hall but hell it's a joke anyway. It really doesn't matter.
I can't fully understand why the Bellas got their shot at the title. Gail Kim, Melina and Natalya should get another shot. Well, the WWE really cared a lot about it when Cole started talking. How can anyone ever care about the Divas when they pull crap like Cole shouting on the house mic? Oh, I didn't take them seriously before that. I'm glad I caught the two minutes of the supposed big Diva title match. The WWE continues to make a mockery of their Diva division. I don't ever remember that happening when Trish Stratus was in a match.
I won't even comment on how idiotic having Snooki come in next week. I've seen enough Jersey Shore in TNA. I didn't need WWE to add to the equation. Snooki reminds me of what Jericho use to call Stephanie McMahon, a dirty, filthy, disgusting, brutal, bottom feeding, trash bag hoe.

Daniel Bryan got a whole 5 seconds of in ring time. He and Sheamus could have a great feud. The WWE must not believe it. They haven't been given any thought to the story. Sheamus has been buried to Triple H last week and this week loses a count out to Bryan. Meanwhile, Bryan was in a great story with Kim and Bellas. That's now been shut and he has nothing. They could have played off that story and have Bellas flirt with the Irish Ghost to help them get revenge on Bryan. Nope, through it all in the trash. Brilliant writing.
I guess Punk hurting Truth makes him look stronger. He needed something after being made a fool of by Orton. Truth is once again fodder. WWE seems content on not having a MITB match so therefore guys like Morrison, Truth and Bryan are wafting. I want stronger stories and the WWE should be doing that leading to Mania.
One thing I do want to see is Ziggler taking on Morrison. I had read rumors Morrison was going to team up with Stratus and Kelly Kelly to take on Ziggler and LayCool at Mania. I would have liked to see these two wrestle for a lot longer. I hope they give them plenty of time to work off their match and create something unique. I think we are headed down the right road with Vicki taking on Stratus next week.
Cena went for the knockout and fell short. The only thing funny was the t-shirt. I really liked the Miz showing up. He has been forgotten in this whole ordeal. It was a nice treat. You could tell he wanted to smile during the People's Elbow. The past two weeks, Miz has been the other guy. He got the last laugh tonight. The Rock will likely still appear and rebuttal the words of Doctor Thug'a'nomics. We have to have a face off but that is coming at Mania. I'm just happy Miz got the spotlight tonight. No more hiding behind Riley or anyone else, it's all Miz and it's Awesome.
Raw had several good moments. A nice bounce back after a really crappy show last week. Stone Cold being the special guest ref for Cole and Lawler was magic. You had to love that. I mean Rock and Austin will be together again, ten years since their 2nd Mania main event. Trish Stratus is making a return next week. Finally, WWE seems to be on the right path for Wrestlemania.
If you aren't getting enough wrestling information in your brain, then keeping hitting up BBSD. I'm betting my boy John and that other guy will be talking about all wrestling headlines this week on ShowStoppers. If that's not enough, hit me up on twitter @mccall316. I'm live on BBSD's twitter account during Raw every week, taking questions and giving some random @bigbadsportsdad. I'd love to see more followers and seeing you tweeting it up during Raw. I'll catch you next week.
J Call
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