I will admit I didn't watch one minute of TNA's Victory Road Sunday. I checked out the results while I was at my day job and was shocked. I couldn't believe all the stories on Jeff Hardy. I've since saw the footage and it's bad. Kids, this is how not to act. Jeff was out of control and Sting was furious. I wonder if Sting regrets not taking WWE money (Shameful Plug Alert: I tweeted the same thing @mccall316). I don't get why TNA didn't throw something together. They didn't give RVD or Anderson the win earlier in the night. Um, if Hardy was in such terrible shape, then change the RVD Anderson finish. Once their match was over, have Hardy attack them only to get beat up in the process. I think pay-per-viewers would have liked to see Anderson take on Sting then the 2 minutes they got. Two years ago, I wrote a Summerslam pick blog and at the end, I wrote a personal letter to Jeff Hardy. You can find it here at the end of the blog. To summarize, I felt Hardy was making a huge mistake and was giving away a golden opportunity. Some may forget how great Hardy's run was in the E. He won the world title and WWE title. He was being pushed as the top face of Smackdown. Then, he walked.
As it turns out, WWE was smart and should be grateful that Jeff walked out. TNA should fire him now. You shouldn't wait any longer or give him another chance. What is the point? Jeff hasn't shown he can be responsible. For crying out loud, in the video he acts like he's perfectly fine. Meanwhile, Sting gave him the death stare. The whole situation makes everyone look bad, even the guys in the TNA locker room that had nothing to do with the thing. The next few days will certainly be interesting for TNA, albeit in mostly negative light. I guess that's not much different than normal.
The Great One succeeds again. The entire segment was hilarious with the kid. Abracadabra Yabba Dabba was brilliant. He may not be live in living color each week but he is still rolling. The Rock's skit was just another way to show off how great the attitude era was and how guys today can still put on funny promos.
Cole is ricockulous. The cage was pretty stupid. Miz gave a good promo as retaliation for The Rock's skit. Miz has proved in the past few weeks he deserves the spotlight. I was begging for Miz to take on Triple H. I know that's a stretch but anything is better than Kahli. The other main event read by Lawler was great. Cena taking on Alberto Del Rio is smart. Del Rio gets exposed even more before Mania.
The match as expected was terrible. I didn't like Riley coming back to help Miz either. I thought it was better if Miz went on his own and Riley did the same. Miz did steal the spotlight and bloodied up Kahli which I liked. Miz and Cena haven't had enough interaction though. I know Miz attacked Cena the last two weeks. I'd like to see one in ring promo between the two with no interruptions. We have 2 Raws left and I bet we see it sometime.
Triple H's video was sick. I got to watch Smackdown this week since my DVR worked. I enjoyed Smackdown except for Taker no showing. Triple H will get to use the dreaded Sledgehammer in the no holds barred. They do need to be in a match before Mania. Smackdown does have a few things going for it. Rhodes and Mysterio have a fantastic story building for a match. The addition of daddy Rhodes made it all the better. The only person I fear is being left behind is Christian. I don't want to see him turn heel. They have enough bad guys on the roster now. Keep Christian face and let him feud with Drew, Rhodes and the world champion Del Rio after Mania.
The Irish
Ghost has certainly been on a losing streak. They have lost all the momentum with Sheamus. These two guys could be a great opening contest at Wrestlemania. They have great chemistry and Bryan is a solid performer. He can carry Sheamus to a good 15 minute roller coaster ride to pump up the crowd. I do think Sheamus will end up on Smackdown after Mania. In the meantime, use the 2 time WWE champion. It's common sense. Especially, when one title on Raw doesn't have anything else going for it. Bryan is getting shown in the best capacity which is in the ring. I liked the chick magnet persona but he's better used inside the squared circle. The match and finish was phenomenal. They did a great job with a few near falls and twists. I'm really happy they gave them time. It proved just what I wrote before, they could build a solid opener at the big show. I was pumped after Sheamus won. Damn, great match!

Wow, Grand Master Sexay put the crowd to sleep. Holy crap were they dead. Nobody knew who the hell he was. Brian looks a lot like Mr. Anderson. At least Lawler made the segment somewhat funny. It's true, Brian has had a terrible past. Holy crap, I yelled louder for the return of Jim Ross then I did for anyone else. I respect the hell out of JR. I have an autographed picture of me and Jim Ross thanks to a buddy of mine. The voices of the WWE are wanting Jim Ross to return back to the announcer table. Jim knew fighting 101 and took the tie off. Swagger and Cole got great cheap heat for beating up JR. I loved the whole segment. Why? This practically guarantees Ross will call the match at Wrestlemania. Anytime Ross can call a match, it's a good thing.
The hometown boy, Randall Orton sends Mason Batista down with another punt to a Nexus member. I said it last week and still feel Orton and Punk have been the best story. The tease before the kick was well done. With Mania being 3 weeks away, I wonder if at least 1 Nexus member could return before the show. Orton and Punk have the potential to steal Wrestlemania.
Drew Carey is in the WWE Hall of Fame. I will vomit now. The Hall keeps becoming a bigger joke.
I can't stand any of the Jersey Shore cast members or the dumbass shows. Snooki is a dirty filthy disgusting brutal bottom feeding trash bag hoe. She goes really well with the PG era. If only the entire Jersey Shore would go away. Apparently, I'm just to old to watch crapola on MTV any longer. I couldn't believe the WWE universe started a Snooki chant. What the hell? I have live through more Snooki. Life continues to get better. I'm all for having Stratus team up with Morrison allowing him and Ziggler to have a match. I just don't need more Snooki. Hopefully, she is replaced by Kelly Kelly.
I can't put my finger on why I like Del Rio so much. I just do is all. He's a great character. Cole teased The Rock was there before the final break. The Miz did an awesome job as The Mock. The crowd really bought into it at first. They all believed it was The Rock and I have to say I thought it was when I laid eyes on the entrance way. Mockery is the biggest form of flattery and two weeks in a row, Miz has mocked Rock. I was a skeptic when it came to The Miz for a long time. He has since proved his worth. The overrun went well. The WWE knows how to outshine the lack of competition. Sunday, TNA gives their fans a 1 minute paid main event. Monday, Raw goes over by 10 minutes and provides a great story and moment.
Aside from Snooki (Sorry I dislike her), Raw was a very good show. I liked everything about it. Daniel Bryan and Sheamus provided a fantastic in ring contest. The Rock opened the show with several laughs. Jim Ross showed up to further the Lawler Cole story. Then the Miz steals the show again. This was the time of Raw I expect when we are 3 weeks from Wrestlemania. Finally, the WWE stepped up its game. BBSD is also stepping up our game. Check out the new ShowStoppers every Tuesday afternoon. You can always follow me on twitter.com @mccall316 and also during Raw on BBSD account @bigbadsportsdad. If you don't have twitter.com, email me at jcall@bigbadsportsdaddy.com. I've been slacking on the follow up blogs later in the week. It might be time to break out another blog this week. Stay tuned.
J Call
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