We were off to a good start with The Game. I don't know what it is about Triple H but I have always been a big fan. I respected the man when he was ruling DX or running Evolution. I didn't like Lawler saying 'the streak is in more jeopardy then ever.' Wrong again King. The last two years is the only real time I ever thought Taker might lose. Shawn Michaels was the only real man that everyone really pondered could he take down The Deadman? The answer was no. The streak will never die. The speech seemed more of a send off then a welcome back. Trips in a subtle way, buried the rest of the locker room. By saying there was no challenges left, the rest of the guys feel like chopped liver. I was about to make fun of how we have to all forget about Sheamus taking out Triple H. The Irish Ghost put a smile on my face. I wanted a little better fight and not squash the two time champion. I didn't get my wish. Poor Sheamus I'm starting to feel bad for him. Trips looks strong but buries one of my favorites. I'm torn. Let's move on.

Even if I didn't care for the start of the segment, I liked the stipulation. Hey McGillicuty didn't get squashed. Another Monday night miracle. He hung around with Orton. I believe McGillicuty may have a terrible name, he's got a future. Orton and Punk needs to be one on one. I guess we can forget about Nexus vs. Corre. Orton has punted two of the four members already. We won't be seeing them anytime soon. How strong does Orton look? Cena didn't do a damn thing to Nexus. The last three weeks, Orton took out two members.
Sin Cara is a huge name for the WWE. He is going to be a fun competitor to watch. The masked one should be debuted as a good guy. I don't want to see the stupid he's Rey Mysterio's partner and then feud with him. I say keep them away from each other for a long time. In fact, I would keep them apart for a year. Del Rio is the bad guy. Sin Cara could be on Raw and next year he faces Rey Mysterio at Mania. I think if it's hyped up correctly (read not mask vs mask), the WWE could book a winner and one the entire country of Mexico would die to see and buy.
Cena has to rap. The rest of it sucks. Riley was horrible. I have to admit, Miz was the only awesome part of the entire segment. I'm sure it is just that I don't like either man. Cena bores me and I don't take Miz seriously. There stipulation was nice since I heard it about 10 minutes ago during the Raw GM's e-mail.
The consecutive weeks continue as Gail Kim got in a match for the third week in a row. Meanwhile, the Bellas did another switch-a-roo. Now I have to hear Cole and Mathews talk about how they have no idea which twin will face Eve. I got question for them, Who cares?
Although the Rock wasn't there at the arena, he still electrified the only way he can. The Rock had more passion then I ever remember. Wow he was perfect. I have a hard time describing or finding the right words to use to describe The Rock. I was bored with Raw before The Rock. It had way to many promos, no in ring action and seemed mailed in. Then, The Rock hit the television screen and I awoke. That's what The Rock can do. Simply put, The Rock is special.
Josh Mathews said it all, "What's the point of this?" Exactly. Miz assaults Bryan and nobody has a clue why. Thanks WWE for wasting every ones time. Main event didn't give me much either.
Raw sucked. It was awful. The entire show felt rushed and mailed in. The writers put zero thought into much of anything. This is what I will remember of this episode, The Rock stole the show and wasn't even in the arena.
You can keep up with more wrestling opinions and news from the boys on ShowStoppers right here on BBSD. My guess is Larry is going to be furious having a Raw without J-Mo. Be sure to read my buddy Chris's new blog on what wrestling needs. He couldn't have been happy with tonight's show. If you want, you can always email me at jcall@bigbadsportsdaddy.com. I'm also working on something new for Raw. I hope to let you in on the details next week and begin right before Mania. Yabba dabba Bitch.
J Call
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