Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Royal Rumble Picks

As much as the WWE has failed to build the Rumble, I'm still pumped for the pay per view. The Rumble match is obviously the main event which is fine. The WWE/WHC are bigger but nothing is bigger than the now 40 guys in the match. I was upset over the addition of 10 men and I don't love the idea. I feel there will be another match thrown together at the last minute, because we never need the whole card announced ever. WWE is simply lazy and it's shown over the last several months. The road to Wrestlemania usually brings out the best of the WWE. If that's the case, we should get some surprises on Sunday.

One quick plug before I get to the Rumble picks. You can email me your opinions on the Rumble or anything in wrestling at Be sure to come back on Tuesday morning for the weekly Raw blog.

Diva Championship Handicap Match
Natalya (c) vs LayCool

Apparently this is a handicap match. I didn't realize they made that announcement on Raw. I'm still pissed to what they did to Melina on Monday night. She should be in this match, not LayCool. Either way it's a Diva match so it doesn't matter in the long run. I hope Awesome Kong debuts. Natalya keeps.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Edge (c) vs Dolph Ziggler

I am perfection!! Perfection! This is the match I'm waiting to see more than anything even over the Rumble match. Dolph Ziggler is going to prove if he can headline, or life as a mid card wrestler. Make it or break it for the young man. Personally, he's my favorite heel in the WWE. The genius move was adding Vicki with Dolph. Vicki adds major heat to anyone she is aligned with. Edge will lead Dolph around in the match, provide the leadership and I believe they will steal the show. Edge keeps in a fantastic match. If you have any doubt about these two individuals putting on a quality match, look no further than right here.

WWE Title
Miz (c) vs. Randy Orton

A heel rarely picks up a clean victory over a face. The Miz gave Orton a severe beat down a few weeks ago on Raw and I loved it. We need to see more of that. The E caters to the faces to often. Don't give us a happy ending every week. You can be like a stripper, give us a good show but we leave pissed off at the end because we didn't get the happy ending. It's okay. Miz needs this win cleanly. Forget Riley or anything other way to screw Orton. Miz should hit his finisher and pin Orton cleanly. I doubt it will happen. Miz keeps the belt by either Orton getting pinned or someone gets dq'd. Either way, Miz keeps the belt.

40 man Battle Royal

28 men have been announced on WWE's website. I believe one of these men will win the Rumble. I'm not going to go down the list because it's pointless. The truth is we are likely to see a few surprises, perhaps a return or two and at the end of the night one man on that list already announced will stand tall. Who will that be? Well it's the guy I've been told no one can hate. It's the guy I've ripped a hundred different ways because guess what? I HATE HIM! You read the Raw blogs and you know who it is. I hate John Cena. I've heard from many fans and even several friends, how can you not like John Cena? He's the Anti-Stone Cold. His jokes are stupid and lame. If I was 12, I would laugh. I'm 27 so I find them retarded. His promos are all the same. Cena gets fired up, yells at the camera and little kids and cougars go wild. They are all the same crap. Oh and what's worst of all is Cena can't sell. Nobody ever looks good wrestling Cena because Cena isn't believable. I give John credit for developing a better repertoire in the ring. He's improved as a wrestler. That doesn't mean he can help the guy on the other side of the ring. He doesn't. Cena is the corporate man. Again, I commend him on doing a million charity things. Even so, I will never ever EEEEEVER like him. It's not going to happen. Go on, tell me I'm wrong. Tell me that Cena is the best thing in wrestling right now. In response, I will tell you that's why the product is suffering. The measuring stick for Cena is Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair. Cena can't hold a candle to those four guys. At the end of the Rumble, Cena will be victorious and it may look like he's a step close to becoming one of them. He's not.

J Call

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About Me

Small town guy from Iowa. I went to school in Dallas and graduated. I work for 105.3 KNOD radio station in Harlan Iowa as the news director. I love sports and wrestling. You can catch my thoughts on everything sports and wrestling on