Saturday, July 10, 2010

Building Stars

Let me guess, you thought I was going to write about Lebron. Forget about it. He is yesterday’s news and it's time to move on. I did steal Lebron's idea though. He is teaming up with Wade and Bosh. I decided I needed to team up with one of the BBSD All-Stars John Conner from ShowStoppers. In the wrestling world, the talk has been the young men of Nexus and how to handle their push. I decided we should talk about the men who are being over looked instead. So I asked John to help me out. We chose 10 guys to push and how we are going to do it. People are always talking about how to push wrestlers but never give a plan on how to make them bigger stars. We are doing it all here on BBSD. John gets to talk about 5 and I get the other 5. We alternated and since it’s my blog I got to start. Let’s get it started with the Ballin' Player.

MVP- He was once a big time playa on Smackdown as the United States Champion. He is now a little note on Smackdown. He should be pushed and compete with Drew for that same title that made him. I would set him up to feud with Drew after the Hardy and Kofi story is over. MVP and Drew could feud for a month or two. Then have MVP turn heel and feud with Kofi. It would elevate both their games. By the time Wrestlemania rolls around Drew vs MVP vs Kofi vs Matt Hardy would be a huge match.

Yoshi Tatsu - The man has showed he can hang and for some reason is being buried on Superstars. He has almost the same type of attack as Evan Bourne, but has no mic skills. If you could team him with someone who has mic skills, like he did with Christian, he will be fine. Once established, he could serve as Tajiri. He wrestles hard and gives 110% every night. I could see him partnering up with say Matt Hardy, as both are better in tag teams anyway.

Teddy Dibiase Jr- For one I love the fact he is teamed up with Maryse. He shouldn't win the MITB ladder match from Raw at the ppv. The way I see it is you should push him with the million dollar belt. He could have open challenges for wrestlers trying to take it from him. Teddy would win the matches until Morrison finally wins the belt. The feud would be amazing when you add the Million Dollar Belt. By November, the payoff for Teddy to win it back would be terrific.

The Hart Dynasty - This group could help reinvent the tag team division. You could put Cryme Tyme back together, turn them heel, and there is your feud. Once you get them going, you put guys like Vance Archer and Croft, SES, NEXUS and you have a tag team division. The Hart Dynasty would always be in the title hunt, or have the title.

Kaval- I love this kid. He already possesses impressive wrestling skills. He can talk and hopefully Kaval wins the NXT Season 2. The best thing for this kid would be a cruiserweight division. I know that won't happen. The alternative, team him up with Evan Bourne. The team would be small but since the Dynasty doesn't have a giant, there matches would be fun. When the tag team has lost its luster, time for a long Bourne Kaval feud. Unbelievable.

John Morrison - First things first, you put him back on Smackdown, and automatically it is him vs. Jack Swagger. That feud would be awesome. Swagger has the ground game and Morrison can fly. They mesh very well, and the both are considered legit guys that you can put the World Heavyweight Championship on.

Michael McGillicutty- Is it strange I chose 2 NXT guys? Kiss my ass, it's my list. First, change his name to The Perfect Axe Curt Henning Jr. His grandfather was Larry the Axe Henning and his father was Mr. Perfect. I thought it would be cool to mix the two. It may not be perfect. I would have this kid debut on Smackdown after being the runner up to Kaval on NXT. His father had an impressive winning streak and McGillicutty would have the same streak. Henning Jr runs through the Smackdown under card and gets a match at Wrestlemania 27 with The Undertaker. He won't win but it would jump start his career.

Chris Jericho - He is being buried because he is hosting a game show. RETARDED. He gets put back on Smackdown, to first face the Big Show. Tag teams that end like they did always face each other. Let that feud go for a while, and after Jericho reestablishes himself have him in the title hunt. Once he wrestles Swagger, Kane, Mysterio and Punk, it all culminates at Wrestlemania against...The Undertaker.

Christian- I have mentioned him many times on Raw blogs. I have already said how to make him a star by winning MITB or the Rumble next year. Drop all of that. One scenario would be to have Edge screw Christian over at the Rumble eliminating both members from the match. The feud would start there and get a one on one match at Mania. The feud would go back and forth with the end culminating with a triple threat WWE title Ladder match at Extreme Rules with the then heavyweight champion, Chris Jericho or Randy Orton, you decide.

Dolph Ziggler - Right now on Smackdown your heels are CM Punk and kind of Jack Swagger. Dolph Ziggler has all the qualities to be the ultimate heel. If done right, he is Randy Orton waiting to happen. First he goes against Kofi and Drew for the Intercontinental Title, and then he moves on to guys like Christian and Mysterio for the Heavyweight Championship. He could become the best heel they have had in a long time, and I think he is about to break through.

I think all ten of these guys deserve attention drawn to them. Some of these guys haven't even started their career and others like Jericho would get a fresh start. We all need help sometimes and the WWE is no exception. I think they need to listen to their fans more often. Then again if the Viewer's Choice Raw proved anything it was we have no idea what we want. I think here though John and I proved we are worthy of spots on the WWE writers table. If you want to take a shot at showing you can write a better story on one of our guys or maybe one we missed email it to or and if your idea is good it might end up on the famous Raw blog.

J Call

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About Me

Small town guy from Iowa. I went to school in Dallas and graduated. I work for 105.3 KNOD radio station in Harlan Iowa as the news director. I love sports and wrestling. You can catch my thoughts on everything sports and wrestling on