There wasn't a lot of news in the wrestling world since I've been gone. I would say the biggest news is Chavo Guerrero asking for his release from the WWE. Once I read some of the tweets he sent out on Twitter and I instantly became a bigger fan of Chavo. He sounds like a frustrated man and he has my sympathy. I am a frustrated fan. This is what Chavo sent out:
Yes, it's true. My release is the big news I was talking about. But let's get something straight. I asked for my release. I was just tired.. Of not being used correctly. Just cuz u can make other ppl look good, doesn't mean they should just have u lose to them. The same thing... Happened to Eddie. After being champ, they still had him working mid card status. Being a Guerrero, we've been taught since diapers to get.. The most out of ppl & matches. It's our gift, but also our curse. WWE has always used us to make other ppl look good. It all comes down to Being happy. I was not happy in WWE anymore. I had a smile on my face last night though when I got my release though! :)
I will never go back to the place WWE put me in. I will never go back to being under utilized and watching ppl who suck get bigger "pushes" Than me! Thank u to all of u who stuck by me & kept reminding me, I was better than that! :) stay tuned.. Big things coming!! Now I will Really be able to entertain u! :) like me or hate me, 1 thing I have always tried to do is entertain u and give u fans your $ worth.
Hey, u guys have me trending World wide!! Thanks. I should of quit a long time ago! Lol I know it may sound like it, but I've got no hard feelings toward the WWE. I've just been unhappy there for a long time & if you have Watched the show, u will no why. I made a lot of money, but I'm better than just cashing a paycheck. I wish no hard feelings toward the WWE& Want to see them and all my friends there succeed! I love wrestling & want nothing but wrestling to get better & bigger. U fans deserve..
Well said sir. Now I won't go overboard by saying Chavo deserved a push to main event status. He's not that over with the wrestling world. However, he would have been a perfect candidate to start a Cruiserweight division with a brand new title. The fact is his feud with Sin Cara was for Cara to get over more with the fans. I understand that. It was cut short though and Chavo could have gotten a few wins too. He's right about one other thing, we deserve better. We deserve better stories, more wrestling and building new stars (USE RYDER AND MCINTYRE). This isn't that difficult. Anyway, so long Chavo. I hope you enjoy retirement and I bet I see you on Impact Wrestling within the year.
Raw started off hot with the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. The big problem I have with Austin and HBK getting WWE TV time is we as fans are screaming for them to wrestle again. We are so selfish when it comes to our heroes. We need to accept them for who them are now, which is a memory. Shawn is no exception as I would love to see another 1 match. If he came back to do one, we would want another and another... The cycle would never end. I am really going to miss CM Punk. He's been incredible in the last 2 years. He has actually been underrated. Otunga found out how good sweet chin music feels. The kick was amazing. The segment as a whole was greatness. Again, it hurts because you hear the chants of 'One more match.' Somehow the question mark was Kane and what a coincidence he was standing right there. Way to make it completely obvious it's rigged. As I was late doing the Raw blog, I'll spare you much about the matches. Punk taking the countout was lame but great in heel faction. It makes him weak and smart at the same time.
Moving on to the match Raw should have had last week, Sin Cara and Evan Bourne. I was dying to see this match give 15 minutes or so. These two are hard workers and good wrestlers. Cara has been given a few extra chances since he has been the chosen project of Triple H. Booker T gives me headaches. All he does is scream Awwwww or Oooohhh man. I don't know if he's watching the matches are playing with himself under the table. It's annoying. Their match was spectacular. The match begs to ask why the hell the WWE hasn't done a Cruiserweight Division? It's time to bring it back.
I was pleasantly surprised Kofi and Ziggler were wrestling again. I'm so happy as a Dolph fan to see he is being used on Raw. His U.S. title reign should continue for a while. I would love to see him elevate to the upper card status once Punk leaves the WWE. He's deserved the push for a long time. I loved his feud with Edge and thought that would keep him in the main event status. Instead, much like a lot of the time, Raw screwed up with him after the draft. Kofi and Dolph continues and I'm good with that.
Del Rio and Big Show is another story I would love to see end. I've never really bought the story to begin with. A cage match is always cool though on Raw. Mark Henry is certainly getting a fat push. Del Rio and Cena is likely the main event at Summerslam. The cage crashing was pretty sweet. WWE PG included a holy shit chant. That ruled. Henry and Show are headed for a special match soon. Henry might get a shot at the World title after moving off Show.
Divas action was....typical.
Hey, Drew McIntyre was used! Barely but he was. His push keeps going forward when he is fodder for HBK. DDP should up, BFD!
Miz and Riley has been the highlight of Raw aside from Punk. They've done a great job of pushing Riley but not shoving him down our throat. I couldn't believe he won at the last ppv. I'd love to see Swagger and Rey wrestle a few more times. They have good chemistry. Swagger is a really good worker inside the ropes. He's wrestled Show, Rey and everyone in between and it's usually a solid outing. The tag tornado match was pretty damn sweet. For a company that says they "entertain", Raw had quite a bit of wrestling.
I've said it for weeks, I like R-Truth. I knew he wouldn't win at Capitol Punishment since Vince is racist. Truth needs a big win soon though or the momentum is leaving the building from his heel turn. Actually I take that back. Wins and losses don't matter. Jericho proved that. Truth can continue to entertain me no matter outcomes. Oh no, Super Cena lost and kids and women all across the world cry. Meanwhile, Truth got the win he needed. Punk furthered the story and I was a happy camper after the finish of the match. Well, that is until Punk grabbed a microphone. I loved Punk wearing a Stone Cold shirt, hilarious. The promo was as amazing as everyone was tweeting about on Twitter. Punk is the best overall talent in the WWE. Punk proved everything is true with the epic promo. It should have continued on for another hour. Raw ended with a helluva bang.
Raw provided a ton of wrestling, entertainment and then Punk stole the entire show. Some will call it a shoot, some will call it a work, I will do neither and just say it was unbelievable. Raw as a whole was a great program. I'm glad I came back to write about that amazing promo alone. You can follow me on Twitter, @mccall316. You can email me at jcall@bigbadsportsdaddy.com and now you can hear me in a podcast every morning on BBSD right here on the Wake Up Call. It's good to be back.
J Call
Well said sir. Now I won't go overboard by saying Chavo deserved a push to main event status. He's not that over with the wrestling world. However, he would have been a perfect candidate to start a Cruiserweight division with a brand new title. The fact is his feud with Sin Cara was for Cara to get over more with the fans. I understand that. It was cut short though and Chavo could have gotten a few wins too. He's right about one other thing, we deserve better. We deserve better stories, more wrestling and building new stars (USE RYDER AND MCINTYRE). This isn't that difficult. Anyway, so long Chavo. I hope you enjoy retirement and I bet I see you on Impact Wrestling within the year.
Raw started off hot with the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. The big problem I have with Austin and HBK getting WWE TV time is we as fans are screaming for them to wrestle again. We are so selfish when it comes to our heroes. We need to accept them for who them are now, which is a memory. Shawn is no exception as I would love to see another 1 match. If he came back to do one, we would want another and another... The cycle would never end. I am really going to miss CM Punk. He's been incredible in the last 2 years. He has actually been underrated. Otunga found out how good sweet chin music feels. The kick was amazing. The segment as a whole was greatness. Again, it hurts because you hear the chants of 'One more match.' Somehow the question mark was Kane and what a coincidence he was standing right there. Way to make it completely obvious it's rigged. As I was late doing the Raw blog, I'll spare you much about the matches. Punk taking the countout was lame but great in heel faction. It makes him weak and smart at the same time.
Moving on to the match Raw should have had last week, Sin Cara and Evan Bourne. I was dying to see this match give 15 minutes or so. These two are hard workers and good wrestlers. Cara has been given a few extra chances since he has been the chosen project of Triple H. Booker T gives me headaches. All he does is scream Awwwww or Oooohhh man. I don't know if he's watching the matches are playing with himself under the table. It's annoying. Their match was spectacular. The match begs to ask why the hell the WWE hasn't done a Cruiserweight Division? It's time to bring it back.
I was pleasantly surprised Kofi and Ziggler were wrestling again. I'm so happy as a Dolph fan to see he is being used on Raw. His U.S. title reign should continue for a while. I would love to see him elevate to the upper card status once Punk leaves the WWE. He's deserved the push for a long time. I loved his feud with Edge and thought that would keep him in the main event status. Instead, much like a lot of the time, Raw screwed up with him after the draft. Kofi and Dolph continues and I'm good with that.
Del Rio and Big Show is another story I would love to see end. I've never really bought the story to begin with. A cage match is always cool though on Raw. Mark Henry is certainly getting a fat push. Del Rio and Cena is likely the main event at Summerslam. The cage crashing was pretty sweet. WWE PG included a holy shit chant. That ruled. Henry and Show are headed for a special match soon. Henry might get a shot at the World title after moving off Show.
Divas action was....typical.
Hey, Drew McIntyre was used! Barely but he was. His push keeps going forward when he is fodder for HBK. DDP should up, BFD!
Miz and Riley has been the highlight of Raw aside from Punk. They've done a great job of pushing Riley but not shoving him down our throat. I couldn't believe he won at the last ppv. I'd love to see Swagger and Rey wrestle a few more times. They have good chemistry. Swagger is a really good worker inside the ropes. He's wrestled Show, Rey and everyone in between and it's usually a solid outing. The tag tornado match was pretty damn sweet. For a company that says they "entertain", Raw had quite a bit of wrestling.
I've said it for weeks, I like R-Truth. I knew he wouldn't win at Capitol Punishment since Vince is racist. Truth needs a big win soon though or the momentum is leaving the building from his heel turn. Actually I take that back. Wins and losses don't matter. Jericho proved that. Truth can continue to entertain me no matter outcomes. Oh no, Super Cena lost and kids and women all across the world cry. Meanwhile, Truth got the win he needed. Punk furthered the story and I was a happy camper after the finish of the match. Well, that is until Punk grabbed a microphone. I loved Punk wearing a Stone Cold shirt, hilarious. The promo was as amazing as everyone was tweeting about on Twitter. Punk is the best overall talent in the WWE. Punk proved everything is true with the epic promo. It should have continued on for another hour. Raw ended with a helluva bang.
Raw provided a ton of wrestling, entertainment and then Punk stole the entire show. Some will call it a shoot, some will call it a work, I will do neither and just say it was unbelievable. Raw as a whole was a great program. I'm glad I came back to write about that amazing promo alone. You can follow me on Twitter, @mccall316. You can email me at jcall@bigbadsportsdaddy.com and now you can hear me in a podcast every morning on BBSD right here on the Wake Up Call. It's good to be back.
J Call
your final Wake up Call was the first one i heard and it was damn good. I hate i never got to meet you.